#(Lily if you see this it’s based on that conversation we had a few days ago lolol)
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l3viat8an · 1 year ago
You can never tell Mammon you’re cold because he can’t act fucking normal for five minutes- rather then giving you his jacket he tries to zip you in with him, telling you to put your arms in the sleeves with his and that his body heat will keep you warmer anyway :)
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novvabee · 18 days ago
the day you post the next chapter of the marauders band au will be the day i cry happy tears
well let those tears flow baby, new chapter is here!!! some new faces as well 🎸
The Boys in the Band
word count: 3k
cw: swearing like once, really nothing else this one is a filler until the next chapter
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You had never heard so many screams in your life. If it weren’t for your earpiece, you probably wouldn’t know what the fuck was going on. You got through your entire performance entirely by sheer adrenaline. 
These past few months had been a whirlwind. You went from performing in dive bars and opening for small artists to opening for the Emmeline Vance, the biggest pop star in the world. She has gone on five sold out world tours, has multiple number one albums, and has1 2 Ollivander Awards, the most prestigious and sought after award in all of the music industry. 
And she hand selected The Pixies to open for her on her UK leg of her newest world tour. You and the girls could not believe your luck, you were getting to play for thousands of screaming fans every week. These fans were of course there to see Emmeline, but the longer you toured with her, the more the fans learned all the words to your songs and were screaming them back at you. Some of the fans in the audience were there solely because The Pixies were there, and that was what amazed you and the girls. 
You had grown your fan base in this short time, and had gotten enough attention to land you in the spot you’re in now. 
“London, you have been absolutely amazing tonight!” you shouted into your pink microphone. You were met with screams and applause, enough to make your chest rumble with the sound. “We have one last song for you, then we can all enjoy some Emmeline!”
You chuckled as the sound grew impossibly louder, the crowd all adorned in bright colors, tassels and sparkles. Your kind of people.
“So, this last song is probably the one you’ll know, even if you don’t know who we are, you have definitely heard this song.” You said into the mic, trying to drown out the noise of the crowd as you made your way center stage. You caught a glimpse of yourself on the screen amplifying your image to the crowd and smiled. This, you could definitely get used to this, the crowd, the stage, the lights, the production of it all. Hell, there was even a VIP section in the front row. You made eye contact with a few actors and actresses that you had idolised for years, high fived a very famous socialite, and saw artists that you had listened to since you were a child scream your lyrics back at you. It was enthralling to say the least.
You placed yourself in the center of the stage where the screen could pick you up perfectly. Lily and Mary to each side of you, Marlene behind and elevated with her drum kit. All of you matching in pretty red dresses, reminiscent of 1950s swimwear. Though you all matched, you were all giving different vibes and made the dresses your own. You were styled in matching platform heels, Lily had a sheer red long sleeved bodysuit under, Mary had fishnets and black heels, and Marlene was of course in her pair of beat up converse and wore her ripped black tights. You all looked individualistic while obviously being a group.
“Although you may know this song, there is a little dance that goes along with it.” you said, screams erupting yet again, some people already understanding which song you were about to do next. “But the thing is, everyone has to do it or the song doesn’t work.” you said with fake sadness. Mary chuckled beside you.
“So, I’m gonna teach you all the dance now! Marlene, could you give us a beat?” you asked. The crowd’s volume was possibly the loudest it had been all night as Marlene started playing the beat of HOT TO GO! “Ok, ok, the dance goes something like this. H-O-T-T-O-G-O,” you said, using your arms to spell out the letters of HOT TO GO! then finished the dance with, “You can take me hot to go.”
You looked out into the crowd and the whole arena was moving. Every single body was doing your silly little dance and you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face.
“Ok One more time! H-O-T-T-O-G-O, you can take me hot to go!” You instructed. Lily and Mary beside you, both helping show off the dance. Everyone seemed to pick up the dance fairly easily, but you couldn’t help but notice the front row not joining in. There were a few people who notably stood out because they weren’t doing the dance, and though you had a literal arena to focus on, somehow that held your attention. You made out about 10 VIPs in the front not dancing, and within this crowd, you clocked a few familiar faces.
It took you a moment to recognise where you knew these faces from, but you remembered, these were the boys from The Marauders. The one with long black hair was the one looking the most sulky and upset, and this irked you. Sure, you had only met them a few months ago, and you knew the history with James and Lily, well, you sort of knew, but you thought that they would at least support you, not sit VIP and look miserable and jealous while you were performing. You knew there was a little rivalry, both your bands being from the same town and all, but they had just as much, if not more, success than you girls, so why were they seeming so sour. This bothered you, probably more than it should have.
So you skipped your way all the way to the front of the stage.”It’s so weird that VIP thinks they’re way too cool to do this!” You announced to the crowd. You saw the shocked faces on some of the lame VIPs who weren't dancing, so you decided to address them directly. “You’re not fun!” You shouted then turned and skipped back to where your girls were starting the song. And nevermind, that was the loudest that the crowd was all night. You saw Lily double over with laughter, trying her best to keep it together and keep playing. Marlene’s mouth was hanging open and Mary gave you a wink of approval. “Do it or I’m calling you on stage.” you threw over your shoulder as one last jab.
You decided that the rest of the song you were going to perform for the back of house, where you could see that people were dancing and having a good time. 
I could be the one, or your new addiction It's all in my head but I want non-fiction I don't want the world, but I'll take this city
Who can blame a girl? Call me hot, not pretty Baby, do you like this beat? (Na-na-na-na, na) I made it so you'd dance with me (na-na-na-na, na) It's like a hundred 99 degrees (na-na-na-na, na) When you're doing it with me, doing it with me H-O-T-T-O-G-O Snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll Dance it out, you're hot to go H-O-T-T-O-G-O Snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll H-O-T-T-O-G-O
This is when the whole crowd erupted in the dance, hands and arms waving in the air everywhere. So many faces smiling back at you, everyone you could see having an amazing time.
You can take me hot to go H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go Well, I woke up alone staring at my ceiling I try not to care but it hurts my feelings You don't have to stare, come here, get with it No one's touched me there in a damn hot minute And baby, don't you like this beat? (Na-na, na-na-na) I made it so you'd sleep with me (na-na, na-na-na) It's like a hundred 99 degrees (na-na, na-na-na) When you're doing it with me, doing it with me
H-O-T-T-O-G-O Snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll Dance it out, you're hot to go H-O-T-T-O-G-O Snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll H-O-T-T-O-G-O H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go
You walked to the front of the stage again, dancing your way and stopping to look straight to the back of house and make sure they were feeling the love as well. You saw so much glitter and so many colors flashing in the lights of the arena, the crowd looking like a rainbow colored night sky.
What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home? Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go What's it take to get your number? Hurry up, it's getting cold Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go (oh, yeah) H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go (hot to go) H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go (oh, yeah) H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go Whew, it's hot here, is anyone else hot? Whoo, you coming home with me?
you pointed to Sirius in the crowd, still sulking with his arms crossed in front of his body, his friends, James and Remus, looked at you shocked.
Okay, it's hot, I'll call the cab
The arena erupted yet again with screams and cheers. You took a moment to take it all in and savor the feeling. This is what you want to do for the rest of your life, not just opening, but headlining shows just like this one.
You and the girls gave your final bows and started to exit the stage. You and the girls waved and blew kisses as you made your way into the wings.
Once you were off the stage and fully out of view, you all hugged. The four of you giggling and squealing and jumping up and down like schoolgirls, but you didn’t care, you just played the biggest show of your life. You could feel your future shift at that moment. You knew that big things were on their way, everything you and the girls had worked for was going to come to fruition. 
“What was that about?” Marlene laughed, breaking away from the group hug and looking directly at you.
You smirked and blushed. “Look, it just made me mad, they were just standing there and looking so pissy,” you laughed. “I had to call them out a little.”
“You know who was in VIP?” Mary mused to Marlene. 
Marlene rolled her eyes as she said, “Marauders?”
“The Marauders.” Mary confirmed. 
Marlene chuckled and turned her gaze back to you. “Well then the outburst is validated.”
“I hope they’re not mad.” you admitted. You did feel slightly bad for them, calling them out in front of an entire arena full of people, potential fans of theirs.
“What?” Mary asked. “No, they deserved it. You know they’re jealous that we got this spot instead of them.”
“Well,” Lily interjected, “We all know only one of them is pissy about it. Remus and James wouldn’t care and were probably enjoying the performance just fine. It’s Sirius ‘Bitchy’ Black.” she laughed. This caused you all to giggle.
“Still,” you said, “We should all be like a united front or something, you know. We're all from the same areas, we’re all up and coming. It couldn’t hurt to be friends with them.”
You couldn’t finish the conversation with the girls or hear what they had to say because Emmeline came up to you girls.
“Oh my God! That was amazing, girls!” she praised. She hugged you all individually and stood with you for a moment before she had to go out. “No joke, you have been the best openers I have ever had with me.”
You and the girls smiled and thanked her, your heart was pounding out of your chest. You still couldn’t believe she even knew who you were let alone that you just opened for her.
“Thanks for whipping VIP into shape, they were looking a little boring.” She winked at you. All of you girls giggled with her. The stage techs were giving her a ‘hurry up’ motion, signaling her to take her position on stage. “Anyways, I’ll see you after the show, thank you so much again. Love you girls.” She said in a rush as the house lights went down and the crowd began to roar and chant her name. She was whisked off to get into place.
You girls decided to head to the dressing room to change quickly so you could come back and watch the rest of Emmeline’s show. 
“I can’t wait to see what becomes of your little… outburst.” Marlene said from beside you, nudging you slightly. You stopped just short of your dressing room as you turned to her.
You rolled your eyes in response to her. “It was not an outburst,” you giggled, “and it is not that big of a deal.” you pulled open the door to the dressing room, about to usher the girls in as you heard an unfamiliar voice come from behind you.
“Actually, it can be.” You turned to catch a glimpse at where the voice came from. A small, platinum blonde girl stood just outside your dressing room, leaning on the brick wall of the hallway, not even looking your way, just twiddling with her fingers. She had the most interesting outfit on, ruffles and patterns, strange yet beautiful. She had the craziest glasses sitting atop her head, holding her blonde locks back; reminiscent of an owl's feathers, one eye glass blue and the other pink. Must be designer.
“Sorry?” Mary said from beside you, the whole group turning their attention to the strange blonde girl.
“She said it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. And it absolutely can be.” the blonde said, turning her attention finally to you four, her round eyes so piercing. She couldn’t just be a fan, the security wouldn’t allow her access this far, even with a VIP ticket. Either she is a crazed fan who snuck past security, in that case bravo to her, or she is someone important enough to be allowed back here. 
The four of you only stared back at her, not quite sure what to say.
“Pandora Rosier,” she introduced herself with a smile. Pretty name.
“Wait, you’re a Rosier?” Marlene asked. Pandora smiled and nodded. You three looked to Marlene for an explanation as to who this girl is and how she somehow knows of her. “Mr. Rosier is the manager for a bunch of different artists… a bunch of successful artists. She’s basically industry royalty.”
You all paid more attention to the blonde now, still standing and smiling at you. “I know that you were just being cheeky, that you were having fun on stage…,” She began, her voice airy and light. “But we all know how the media is. Especially when you offend some of the most popular musicians and actors in the game.”
Offend, you didn’t think of it like that at all. “Wait, no. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone, I was just-”
“Having fun?” Pandora cut you off. “Yes, we all know that, but the media loves to take the fun out of everything. Especially when it is young, talented women. I’ve seen it hundreds of times. The Daily Prophet is exceptionally keen on trampling the fun out of everything, making every small thing a scandal.” She explained. You began to feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. Did you actually offend anyone? Would the media actually write about something as small as this? Surely not, but what if…
“And what? If it does cause a scandal, then what?” Lily asked.
“Well, if you were to have a manager, they could be in communication with the media, you know, work with them on things they write about their clients.” Pandora said.
“Wait wait,” Mary interjected, “Are you trying to become… our manager?”
“You don’t have one, right?” Pandora asked, smiling yet again. That perfect, whimsical smile.
“We don’t,” you answered. “But, we’ve done just fine without one so far.” it was true, up until now, you and the girls worked your asses off to be where you are, hell, you booked this job without one.
“Of course you have!” Pandora said enthusiastically. “But think of what you could do with one. Record deals, albums, world tours. I can negotiate all of that for you.”
“But, why do you want to manage us?” Lily asked.
“Because I see something in you. You’re all destined for stardom. I’ve seen you perform, seen the crowds and the feeling that you bring. It’s like magic.” Pandora answered, a gleam in her big shiny eyes. 
“Say we agree, what do you want out of it?” Mary asked. “What’s the deal, you want like 20 percent or something?”
Pandora thought for a moment before saying, “Honestly, this isn’t about the money.” You four looked at each other, slightly bewildered. What was she after then? “I don’t need money really, my father has plenty of that. What I really want is success. What would you think about something like 5 percent.” 
“Pardon?” Marlene said.
“I want to help you get to the top. I want you to see the success you deserve. I have seen many artists in my life and none of them have made me feel like you four do.” the blonde explained. "You are a group of very talented girls, I don’t want to see that talent extinguished as I often have. This industry burns those who have it out, fast and hard. You four have something that I can’t quite put my finger on but… I think that you may be the first of a kind.”
Something about the way she was talking, it just felt genuine and… like she really meant that she wanted you all to succeed. 
“Well Pandora, you are definitely one of the most interesting people I have ever met,” Mary started, “but you seem to really believe in us.”
Marlene smiled and finished for her, “We would definitely love to have someone like you in our corner.” 
Pandora smiled back, that whimsical smile that you knew you would be seeing a lot more often now.
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this was so long and not a lot happened but... stay tuned for the next chapter because I am planning something juicy.
Taglist⭐️: @adharalikethestar @mayuwolfstar @ieatboysalive @maraudereestauderelb @bugg06 @slytherinambitious @cadenceisdelulu @champomiel @theenorthstarr @navs-bhat
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uvobreakmylegs · 1 year ago
New Beginnings
a fic I wrote in earlier in the year for Suiren's birthday :D
Mafia AU, Nobunaga x reader
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Warnings: kidnapping, captivity, stalking, delusional Nobu strikes again
Word count: 3.8k
The flowers probably weren't salvageable, Nobunaga thought to himself.
He'd intended on them being a nice gesture, something to make you feel more at ease when you saw them. Instead, they were the first thing you knocked over after he grabbed you in order to keep you from running out of his quarters.
A mess was all that remained of his gesture: the water that had quickly soaked into the carpet while the spider lilies and bits of broken vase were strewn about. A mess that needed cleaning up, but one that he'd been unable to get to for….. Damn, a few hours now.
Turning his attention away from the time and back to you, Nobunaga did feel a little bit of relief.
This whole thing had been a little chaotic, but at least you had finally calmed down now.
After spending hours fighting against Nobunaga, struggling in his grip and crying and just trying to get away from him after the harrowing experience of being kidnapped, you had stilled as you finally sat motionless in his lap with your back leaning against his chest. You still sniffled from time to time, a few stray tears still rolling down your cheek, but you weren't actively trying to escape him anymore.
Nobunaga's arms were still wrapped around you, but once you had settled some, he had placed one hand on your head to softly stroke your hair.
“Finally tired out?” he asked.
You didn't give a response. Earlier, when you'd been fighting him, you had tried to scream as loud as you could, hoping that the noise might get some help sent your way. Nobu had anticipated this, and one of his hands clamped over your mouth to muffle your screams as he told that you'd be disturbing the others on the floor if you did that. It seemed that because of that, you didn't want to answer him now.
Nobunaga tilted his head at you, saying your name in a questioning tone.
“Don't ignore me now,” he said, “talk to me.”
You shook your head.
He considered you for a few moments before he sighed.
“I know that wasn't the best way to bring you here,” he said, “but others had become aware of you. I couldn't risk leaving you out there while enemies knew about our relationship.”
That seemed to strike a nerve.
“What fucking relationship?” you hissed, “I don't even know you.”
“You know that isn't true,” he replied, “I saw you almost every day last week.”
“Yeah, and it was weird as hell to see you outside my apartment almost every day,” you snapped, “you stalking me doesn't count as us having a relationship.”
Nobunaga sighed.
“I hate to go playing the blame game,” he began, “but you do know that I needed to do that since you wouldn't talk to me, right?”
“You didn't need to do that!” you spat, “you could've just accepted that I wasn't interested and left me alone!”
“We made a connection-”
“No we didn't,” you insisted, interrupting him, “you're not my boyfriend, I'm not your lover; we're two complete strangers who happened to have a conversation on the street and went our separate ways after. There's nothing more than that.”
Your voice then wavered when you said “we don't have a relationship.”
Anyone else may have answered the wake-up call in your words, that he was seeing things that hadn't actually been and try to make this situation right by letting you go as you so desperately wanted.
But Nobunaga found himself focused on the fact that you remembered the first time the two of you met. And while you hadn't spoken much of the details of that meeting, the fact that it stayed in your mind must've meant that it was just as significant to you as it was to him.
Despite how short that meeting had been, you had felt a connection to him just as he had to you.
You were just having a harder time accepting it, that you could jump into a relationship with him based on that alone.
For that reason, Nobunaga wasn't at all surprised that you had fought with him during and after your kidnapping, but he was hoping you would given up earlier. Every second you fought him was a second he could've used to prove that he loved you.
“I know,” he answered, “I know you don't get it yet.”
“But this is necessary. To keep you safe,” he added.
“Kidnapping isn't how you keep people safe,” you responded bitterly.
“In this instance, it is,” said Nobunaga, “and eventually, you'll realize that.”
You began to struggle again. Despite how little it had done you earlier, the urge to get away from him took over you once more and you did your best to wiggle out of the firm grip that held you.
Fat lot of good that did.
Nobunaga was starting to get annoyed, but he told himself he couldn't become angry with you. If he did something drastic like hitting you or tying you to the bed, it would make you that much more resentful of him.
“Is this a second wind?” he asked, “if I have to hold you the entire night I will.”
Just as before, your attempts to get out of his hold were pitiful, and you were reduced to a sobbing mess within minutes. Nobu watched you carefully, readying himself to cover your mouth again if he had to. He had gotten annoyed with other spiders for the noises their darlings had made on the first few nights they had been taken, and he didn't want to give any of the others any ammo to mock him for you being just as bad.
When your sobs had quieted again, Nobunaga turned you so you were facing him, using his thumb to wipe away your tears before lifting your chin up so you could look him in the eye. You gave him a sour look, but he ignored it.
“I know you want to leave, but I'm sure that in time, this place will feel like home for you,” he said.
You shook your head.
Were the other darlings this obstinate when they first arrived? Nobu personally couldn't imagine Feitan, Shalnark or Machi tolerating behavior like this. He sighed again. Hurting you and showing you how bad things could be if he was unhappy was certainly an option, but he had no desire to break you and make you fear him more than you already did. Punishment would only come for truly serious offenses. Right now he needed to be patient with you.
“Give it time,” Nobunaga said, “for the next week or so you won't be allowed out of our living quarters, and if you keep acting up, it could be longer before I let you into the common areas of the floor. After that, you'll be allowed in several points of the building. And maybe on occasion when we get permission, we can go outside together.”
“I need permission to go outside?” you asked. There was a rage bubbling in your eyes again. Somehow learning that made you more angry than afraid again.
“You're mine now,” he explained, “and there will be those who will try to hurt me by hurting you.”
“I'm not yours! People don't belong to people!” you yelled.
You began to hit him again, beating your fists against his chest over and over. Nobu decided it was better to just take this and let you tire yourself out again. Better this than you starting to yell again and force him to hold your mouth shut. Angry tears flowed down your cheeks at the hopelessness of the situation. Surely you realized that even if you managed to get away from him, the amount of security you had seen on your way in was still in your mind, and you would know that there was no hope of you running out of this building without being stopped by someone.
Eventually your assault on him stopped, and you pressed your forehead against his chest in defeat.
It was quiet now, the only noise in the room being that of your ragged breathing.
Should he say something?
… Maybe not. So far Nobu had only managed to upset you every time he spoke, and that certainly wasn't winning him any points with you. The best course of action might be to stay quiet until you said or did something.
And a few moments later, you did speak.
Your voice was barely over a whisper, but he still heard you, and he tilted his head at you as he waited for you to continue whatever you were saying.
“Why did you do this to me?” you asked.
Through your soft, sad voice, he could clearly hear it. Sense it in the way you now clutched at his shirt. You had trusted him, and he had re-payed that trust by forcibly taking you. That needed to be what this was.
And yet knowing that gave Nobunaga a bit of hope. For you to be betrayed, you had to have liked him at least somewhat. The way you had smiled at him on the day you met was still so clear in his mind. He was certain that there was at least some bit of affection for him in your heart, and once you got over your kidnapping and you realized just how much you meant to him, he was certain those feelings would come back and grow stronger.
Once you were able to get over that hurdle in your head, everything would be fine.
Nobu wasn't sure if you had wanted an answer to your question, but after a few moments, he responded softly “because I love you.”
You didn't react.
Maybe you weren't listening, or maybe the events of tonight had simply exhausted you and you no longer could react. Either way it was out in the open now, and even if you didn't believe him in that moment, eventually you would.
He now had all the time he needed to convince you of that.
When you shifted in his hold and tried to pull away again, his grip around you tightened, anticipating a third attempt of getting away from him.
“Please let go,” you said, not looking at him, “I need to use the bathroom.”
“…. Alright. But leave the door unlocked,” he said, his tone becoming a bit more firm as he added “there'll be problems if I need to break it down.”
You nodded somewhat hastily, and with that, he finally loosened his grip completely. You were fast to scramble off of his lap and make your way to the bathroom door, closing it a bit too quickly, but you listened to his warning as there was no click of the lock after.
But what he could hear after was the sound of you sobbing again, your soft cries echoing slightly against the smooth surfaces in the bathroom. He had thought that maybe you had run out of tears, but apparently not.
Now was probably the best time to give you a bit of space. You hadn't immediately run for the door to the entrance of his quarters like he was worried you would, so you were deserving of that much.
As he sat and waited for you to process your emotions, his mind went back to the day the two of you met and the random act of fate that put the two of you together.
He'd run into you on a windy day when you were coming out of a flower shop, a bouquet of red flowers in one hand while the other had been occupied with shoving your wallet back into your bag. While you weren't turned away from him, the majority of your face had been obscured from his view due to the wide-brimmed hat you were wearing.
At first he had only barely acknowledged your presence, his eyes naturally going over to you when you had initially exited the shop just to be aware of the new person that was now in his sights. Nobu hadn't anticipated that you might be a threat, but with his status in the troupe and the dangers that came with having such a position, it didn't hurt to be too careful. The would-be assassins of the world took many different forms.
He didn't spend long looking at you once he determined that there was nothing to be worried about, turning his attention back towards the walkway in front of him, his thoughts going back to the troupe and recent issues that had cropped up, ones regarding the owner of a private security company that operated within Yorknew. From his peripheral vision, he had noted that you had begun walking away from the flower shop entrance, heading in the direction opposite of him, and the thoughts of you would've quickly exited his mind once you were out of his line of sight.
Nobunaga would've passed you by completely had it not been for what happened next.
A gust of wind blew past you, and it was strong enough that it knocked your hat off of your head. You tried to grab it with your free hand but you weren't fast enough, and you started to follow, trying to hurry and grab it before it got too far away or touched the ground.
Instead, Nobu caught it.
It was mostly instinct that made him catch it. Just an instance where he saw from the corner of his eye that something was coming towards his head and he reacted. He only realized what had happened when he felt the material against his fingers and then looked at it to confirm.
And then you walked up to him, thanking him for not allowing the thing to blow away.
Something about you struck him. Something about the way you smiled and thanked him as he handed the hat back to you.
Something about the way you looked at him so sweetly.
“No problem,” he told you, having been barely able to remember that it was best to give you some sort of response.
That probably should've been the end of it, but something in him compelled him to keep talking to you. You'd set the hat back on your head when the wind blew again, and while this time it didn't escape you again, you needed to grab and hold it in place.
That had made for an easy enough topic of conversation.
“Doesn't seem like you dressed appropriately for this sort of weather,” he commented, brushing some of his hair behind his ear.
“Guess not,” you agreed, laughing as you said “it looked nice enough out today, so I didn't think to check what the conditions were. Lesson learned. Won't do that again.”
Nobu nodded along absentmindedly before glancing at the bouquet you held. All he'd really noted before was their red coloring, but now that he was looking at them for more than a few seconds….
…. Weren't the Spider Lilies associated with death and bad luck?
“Someone die?” he asked, nodding towards the flowers.
“Hm? Ah, they do tend to have a negative connotation, don't they?” you said, laughing a little.
Then you shook your head, adding “but these are for me. I like them.”
“Yeah. I think they're pretty.”
Nobunaga glanced at them again.
The shade of red was nice, he supposed.
“I am a little surprised, though,” you said, “I didn't think most guys were interested in flowers. Not most guys around here, at least.”
“I can't say that I'm interested,” Nobu answered, “I've just heard enough about them to know that they're typically a bad sign.”
“Yeah,” you said again, “but I still like them.”
The conversation came to an end after that; you apparently had somewhere you needed to be. And to be fair, it was the same case for Nobu, as he was very likely going to be late for a troupe meeting.
You thanked him once more for saving your hat, and shortly after you were on your way, once again heading in the opposite direction of him. And although your face was quickly obscured from him, Nobunaga felt certain that he saw you smiling to yourself as you walked away.
After watching you for a moment, he had turned and began to walk as well, heading back towards his destination, though his thoughts had remained on you.
It was strange how one little interaction had stayed with him like that. How a single conversation about weather and flowers that hadn't even lasted five minutes replayed in his head for the entire rest of the day and only ended when he finally fell asleep that night, just to end up replaying in his head again the morning after.
He had accepted that the meeting between you two was fate the day after that and that the two of you were meant to be together. Why else would he be thinking of you so often? Why else would you have spoken with him like that? Why else had the elements themselves conspired to bring about a scenario where you were made to interact with one another?
It was the only explanation that made any sense.
Luck had been on his side when he remembered the flower shop he saw you walk out of – it was one that was under the troupe's protection, and for that reason, the owner had no choice but to allow Nobu to look through the shop's recent orders when he went in for a surprise 'visit'.
Luck was on his side again as it turned out you had called the shop to place the order for the spider lilies, giving them your name and phone number that they had yet to clear from their records.
It was incredibly easy to find you after that.
Back to the present, Nobu sighed to himself as he thought over what had happened after he'd found where you lived and how you'd become increasingly defensive every time he spoke with you. Maybe he'd come on too hard those other times. And now this, having no other option than to take you to the Nitery just to ensure your safety when you made it clear that you didn't want to go.
Nobunaga had no doubt that it would be a long, strenuous process for you, to accept your place as his darling and to learn to love him back, but even if that process took forever, you would give in.
You were meant to.
Several minutes had passed, and you still hadn't left the bathroom. He wasn't worried that you had managed to escape through there; that room had no windows, and the air vents were far too small for anyone to fit through.
Still, at a certain point he needed to make sure you were alright.
Getting up and standing before the closed door, he knocked on it gently as he called out your name.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
No answer.
His brows furrowed, and he took the knob in hand and turned it.
He found you in the shower, curled up in a corner of the stall and your head resting against your knees as you were fast asleep.
You must have been truly exhausted to have fallen asleep in such a place.
Nobunaga gingerly picked you up and carried you bridal style out of the bathroom. Though he had spent several hours with you in his arms, there was something about how you were so docile right now, not fighting against him and even pressing yourself further against him in your sleep. A shame that it was only because you weren't awake at the moment. But someday, he told himself, he would get to the point where you would long to be in his arms, where you would beg for his touch and for him to give you everything he had to give.
Not tonight. Or anytime soon.
But maybe in a matter of months he could get you to that point.
He placed you on his bed, putting the covers over you after. Tomorrow he'd have some of his lackeys accompany him to your old apartment and gather up some of your clothing and other items that you might miss. For tonight, though, you'd need to make due with sleeping in your clothes.
And what he'd need to make due with tonight was sleeping on the couch. As much as he wanted to go to sleep with you in his embrace, you'd be upset in the morning if that was what you woke up to.
Eventually he'd get to that point without you being disgusted with him, he told himself as he turned off the light of the bedroom, leaving you sleeping peacefully in the dark.
Now alone in the main area of his quarters, Nobunaga was about to turn off the lights and pass out on the couch – it was horribly late by now.
But just as he went to flick the light switch, he caught sight of the broken vase and flowers that still hadn't been cleaned up, and he sighed to himself again. Better to clean it up now so he wouldn't have the hassle of doing that the next day as well.
Pulling over a small trash bin, he began to collect the pieces of vase and tossed them in before going to the flowers. It felt like a shame to throw them away, especially since you liked them. Though it really was your fault for smacking them like you did.
Nobunaga looked at the flower he currently held; the stem was bent and some of the petals had fallen off.
Death, bad luck and abandonment, he remembered. Just a few of the meanings this flower had.
You'd met him when you were carrying a bouquet of these, and you saw the red spider lily again when you were brought to his room at the Nitery.
Maybe you were reconsidering how much you liked them and how much bad luck they had brought you so far.
That fleeting thought caught him off-guard, and he froze, broken flower still in hand.
… Superstition was silly, he told himself as he continued with the clean up.
If anything, these flowers represented good luck for him, because if it hadn't been for you going to that flower shop on that day to collect them, he might not have found you.
It was pure chance and good luck that brought the two of you together, and while Nobunaga knew you didn't see it that way now, eventually you'd stop lying to yourself and admit that it was true: you were meant to be together.
But until that day came, he'd be patient with you and do whatever he could so you would understand that. Happiness for the two of you would come eventually when you gave in.
You were meant to, Nobunaga repeated to himself.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years ago
busted (3tan) (teaser) | myg
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teaser: busted (m) (3tan10)  pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) , jungkook x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime | sundress season | yoongi’s interlude | forfeit | flutter | video call rating/genre: m (18+) ; [redacted] ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: [redacted lol just trust me] note: alright, listen.. the chapter is coming along but plans and life got in the way so i wasn’t able to get it done before tour. however, i do have a lot of it written/halfway done, so i feel comfortable enough to offer y’all a teaser and will finish it out once i’m done with this trip. i do hope y’all understand, 3tan is coming back v v soon ! :’))  note 2: as for the rest of this chapter.. fuck lol warnings: none for teaser, final list to be named on drop day! est. drop date: late may - early june 2023 teaser wc: 1.8k est. total wc: 15-18k
Here goes nothing and everything.
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It was fifteen years ago when you first met Jungkook. When the sidewalks in your neighborhood were fewer and the occupancy in your house was higher. 
A tiny boy, he was immediately ready to stay by your side, despite the limited amount of time he got to hang around before his parents corralled his energy back inside their car. 
Later on, he would tell you that had something to do with them not wanting him influenced by your brother and his group. But you didn’t know that at the time. 
Ever since the two of you met, you became the best of friends. And as you grew older, it was only natural that feelings bloomed with everything else. 
In the midst of an ever changing garden, you found something that never wavered, vibrant in color and immovable at its root. 
Which was strange. You’d never compared people to flora before him. 
But, because of Jungkook, you couldn’t help but see everyone as such—lilies, buttercups, the ones that trap to survive. 
And he was the prettiest, strongest flower of them all.
There was rain. There were storms. But with them came hope, and a pair of cheap rings that the two of you bought nestled nicely in boxes, waiting to be unearthed when you were ready.
What also came was a lesson. One that you would learn again when two of every seat remained unused in your household. 
A lesson that people are more like seasons than flowers.
They change with or without you. 
And they pass by.
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“We can go somewhere quieter if you want,” Jungkook offers. And you know he’s going to suggest your room before he even utters the words.
But of course he adds a small, “If I’m allowed in there anymore.”
When he laughs, your smile is as slow as your head shake, a few memories of old tasting bittersweet on your tongue. “We can.”
When you make your way to your room, you hear the thumps of music and rhythms of conversation—both casual and loud—echoing throughout the house. Some people are sharing laughs, others are scooting just a bit closer, and a lucky one is cackling before demanding that everyone hand over their money. 
All of them oblivious to the fact that you’re about to rip off a piece of your heart.
Well. That may not be the case. But based on the conversation that you had with Jungkook before your interview, this wasn’t going to be an easy one in the slightest—not for him, nor for you.
But if he’s gonna keep pushing forward, this is a stop you need to put up regardless.
During a party isn’t what you had in mind, though. Much less one in your own house.
You don’t know if anyone sees you open your door for Jungkook to pass through, or if they notice the slump of your mood, but you figure no one will care anyways. 
Until you see someone out of the corner of your peripheral.
And the skip of your heart tells you who it is.
Occupying one of the hallways a ways away, you can tell he’s very aware of you despite being in the middle of a chatty group.
But what’s on his mind? Is he worried? Is he gonna ask what this is about?
Damn it. You’re just gonna have to tell him later. You can’t exactly do anything now. 
A voice peeps from behind your tense shoulders,
“You okay?”
Turning, you nod to the boy in your room before shutting your door, giving one more look to the man whose last text you couldn’t read.
And the way he stares makes you wanna bolt from everyone entirely.
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When your door clicks shut, you slowly swivel, only the bass of your brother’s music pushing the walls in closer. 
Jungkook’s doing exactly what you knew he’d do, wandering around your room and either leaning in to observe, or lightly touching things that he remembers. 
The soft puff of a laugh snaps you into focus. “I can’t believe you still have all his medals up.”
Ah. He even remembers the way you have all your brother’s trophies and achievements displayed—all because you liked seeing them shine, and he didn’t want them in his room.
Sweeping your gaze along two of your walls, you let out a tiny sound of amusement while agreeing, “I can. Too lazy to take them down.” 
“I can do it,” he immediately responds. “If you need me to.”
If it had been five years ago, you would’ve been enamored that he even offered.
But five years ago is when he shattered any hopes you had for the two of you, so you turn him down yet again. “It’s okay.” 
“You sure?”
“We’re here to talk, not decorate, Jungkook.”
He stares before nodding in dejection, eyes finding something other than you. “It’s still weird to hear you say my name.”
It’s weird to say it. 
But you can’t let him know you agree, so the sound you make is half-cautious and weakly lighthearted. “You think so?”
“Ah, yeah.” He flashes a smile that still squeezes air from your lungs. “I’d gotten too used to all the names you had for me.”
“Oh, god.”
“But I guess someone else gets to hear them now.”
Goddamn it. He’s not gonna give up, just like he said right before your interview. 
“Who are you seeing?” 
“I wanna know.” 
He walks over to your nightstand, picking up a picture of you and your friends from years back. 
And your heart pangs at how big his back has become. 
Without turning, Jungkook lifts his head to stare at your ceiling. And if he’s wondering whether the glow stars he stuck all over it are still there or not, you don’t know if you’d admit that you never took them down. 
“So that I’d know if I still have a chance.” 
“You already had yours,” you whisper. “Remember?”
And when you look up, he’s already staring at you with regret. 
Memories start to come back, but you shove them away with force, trying to empty your sinking boat with a teaspoon. 
Every time he had walked back from school with you, every time he would make you laugh when you felt alone, every time he stayed at your place when your brother had to be out—all of them competed with each other to punch you in the gut and push you to your knees. 
“I do,” is all he says before softly placing the frame on your bed. “I fucked that up, didn’t I.” 
The times he said he’d be there when you needed him, the times he said it was gonna be okay when you struggled with your seemingly deepest darkest secrets. 
All the times you knew you’d have a long future with him. 
“You did.”
Everything leading up to the time he said you should break up before you left for university.
Right before you were going to tell him you loved him.
Your heart hasn’t beat in awhile, but you don’t notice until Jungkook starts walking towards your planted feet. Was he really so far away? How did he cover the distance between so fast?
With a sigh occupying your chest, you muse that he looks so different, but also not different at all. 
And, just like the time you saw him downtown, your brain doesn’t know how to separate the Jungkook you knew from the one you see in front of you. 
Because they are still the same.
You don’t budge as he stands resolute, inches away but encasing you in his familiar presence. When his hand comes up to your face, he almost touches—but the slight hesitation has you holding your breath before he surrenders his hand at his side. 
“I was an idiot,” he admits, throat seemingly small and making yours the same size. “I never should’ve… I can’t believe I…” 
You watch as he flips his head up, and you hate how you know exactly what he’s trying to hide. 
But your soul still remembers the wound it was dealt. So while you don’t want him feeling this way, you’re perfectly okay to fight back. 
He doesn’t get to cry when he’s the reason for all those tears. 
“And yet you did,” you remind him, proud of how stable your voice leaves lips that used to seek his. “And you left me so fucking confused.” 
“I know.”
“Do you really?” 
He flickers regretful eyes your way, giving you all the room to talk. 
And you’re going to.
“Do you actually know, Kook? How fucked up that made me feel right before going where I knew nobody. No one.” 
His nostrils flare while eyebrows flinch. 
You expel a tough breath, everything that happened before bubbling up to the surface. Nights you spent wondering what happened, days you spent feeling unwanted, times you felt so fucking alone.
“Is it true that you even loved me?”
“Yes,” he finally shatters, face contorting and eyes welling at their rims. “Of course I did.” 
“I still do.”
“I thought I was the only one.” You search his eyes, hating how you would comfort him in an instant if this were any other circumstance. Hating, hating, loathing that this is how you find out your love wasn’t unrequited. “Why did you push me away?” 
“I didn’t—I didn’t mean to…” He turns, unable to handle the loud silence streaming from your bones. Voice shaken, he flounders, “I don’t know. I’ve—” 
When he pauses, it’s to keep his lips from shaking. You just know it. 
“I’ve regretted it every day since.” 
“I have!”
“Really. So all those texts you never sent were full of regret, too, huh?” 
“No, I—”
“All those calls you never made.” 
“I wanted to call!”
“You wanted nothing to do with me!”
“No! That’s not true—”
He digs palms into the soaking divots of his face, tense at all angles and making you so, so angry that this is what the both of you have come to. 
“I’m not lying!”
“You are!”
You thought it would feel better seeing him cry. 
But it’s not, it’s not, it’s not. You hate this. 
Because Jungkook made sure your tears were short-lived. Made sure to chase them away every single time—
There’s a rapid twist of your locked doorknob before you hear a shout,
“What the hell’s going on in there!”
Shit, your brother. Were you both yelling? 
…Were you both that loud?
“We’re fine!” you shout back, embarrassed that your fight somehow managed to outperform the aux. “It’s okay.”
“Open up.”
“You better be serious—”
“Promise!” You spare a look at your door. “We’re okay.” 
Even though it’s completely silent.
You know damn well he hasn’t left. 
Fuck, he can’t hear the rest of this. He shouldn’t have heard any of it in the first place, and you can feel the sear of his questions flaring up later tonight. 
Which, you are fine answering when it’s just the two of you. But you cannot have anyone hovering right now so you go to rip the door open and tell him off, 
“Dude, I said I’m—”
Oh, fuck.
Yoongi’s right there with him.
And your heart fucking lurches.
tbc. :’))) 
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ahh how do we feel !! 💌 would you like to buy me a 🍊?
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A/N: soooooo here you go before i continue with the rest of vacay!! LMAOO wouldn’t it be so funny if the whole chapter drops by surprise like y’all are wanting it to? just like this? wild.... A/N 2: always always gonna thank everyone that’s reading and supporting the series! there’s gonna be a lot happening in this chapter just like forfeit, so note-taking or bulletpoint format while reading might be a thing again if you wanna be able to remember things.. ahaha. pls give me strength bc i need it T^T  ++ more links: ⇥ three tangerines masterlist  ⇥ 18+ only taglist!  ⇥ masterlist 
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rose-of-the-grave · 8 months ago
Her Eyes
Pairing: Lily x James
Hey everybody, I hope you enjoy this! It was based off of this request. As always I'm the author (please don't repost)
Masterlist. Read on Ao3
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Warnings: fluff, literally just James simping over Lily, the fluffiest fluff ever with a smidge of the rest of the Marauders in the background
Word Count: 1113
Description: On a peaceful May evening, Lily and James enjoy a picnic on the front lawn of the castle while the other three Marauders realize that things are changing.
(Read: now our quartet is down to three a la Lion King) iykyk
Taglist: @sylveryfire
It was a warm, sunny day at Hogwarts and most of the students were out on the front lawn, reveling in the warmth that had been gone for so long. Under one particular tree sat three boys. Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Now these three boys were seemingly not as content as they might otherwise have been, usually joking around. The reason for this could be found not too far away from them, sitting on a blanket having a picnic with his new girlfriend.
“You know, staring at them isn’t going to make James come back over here.” Remus said from where he lay on the ground.
Sirius grumbled, “I know.”
Laughter echoed through the spring air.
“I’m happy for them, ya know? But she stole him! The least she could do is let us borrow him every once and a while.” He complained.
Remus sat up slightly, shielding his eyes with his hand. “After all the years Prongs spent mooning over her he’s probably afraid that if he leaves her alone for one second she’ll revert back to not liking him.”
Peter looked over at the two of them from where he sat. “We’ll all get to hang out during the summer though, right?”
“Nah, she’s staying with us for the first part of the summer.” Sirius said, referring to the Potter household. For the past few summers all four boys had stayed together there and all of them saw it as a home away from home, though now, since Sirius had started actually living with them, he did truly see it as home.
“Finally. Now I’ll have someone to have intellectually stimulating conversations with.” Remus joked.
Sirius clutched his chest in shock, “Are you saying that we aren’t stimulating you?”
Remus gave him a look. “Don’t you dare laugh.” He warned.
Sirius grinned back, barely holding in laughter.
“I’m seri...” Remus stopped, realizing his blunder. “Shit.”
Sirius started cracking up, saying through laughs, “No, I’m Sirius.”
Remus and Peter exchanged a look.
“You walked right into that one, my friend.”
The werewolf sighed, “I know.”
Across the field, Lily and James were finishing up their food. Lily was still munching on the last remnants of her meal while James was already done so he took the time to admire the beautiful girl that sat next to him. She was absolutely stunning. He already knew that but it wasn’t until recently that he had been able to admire her beauty up close.
As if she could sense his gaze she looked over at him, her eyes meeting his.
“What are you doing?” She asked in bewilderment.
“Gazing at the most amazing girl I have ever met and wondering how I managed to get her to agree to go on a date with me.”
She laughed, pushing playfully at his shoulder. “Flatterer.”
“I mean it.” He insisted.
She ducked her head down in embarrassment, “Thank you.”
Lily shifted a bit to look out into the distance at the Black Lake, the sun shimmering on the surface.
Staring into her beautiful green eyes he couldn’t help but ask, “Lils?”
She looked over at him, “Yes, Jamie?”
“Were your eyes always this wonderful?” He asked, with a dazed expression on his face.
Her cheeks flushed a deep pink, “You are the first person to say that besides mum & dad.”
“Does your sister not like them?” He asked, puzzled at how anybody could stare into her gorgeous emerald eyes and not think they were absolutely stunning.
“No, she thinks they are ugly.” Lily admitted.
“She needs to get her eyes checked.”
Lily giggled.
“No, I’m being serious.” James said earnestly.
“That’s sweet of you.”
Lily smiled inwardly, ever since she had finally said yes to going on a date he had been acting over the moon. Flowers had appeared at her door every morning with a handwritten note that always had some compliment or, occasionally, a quote. She had been quite amused and very touched when she discovered that he had been asking Remus for recommendations and had even created a list of the ones that reminded him the most of her.
He was always being sweet to her, offering to carry things for her. While he had never been known to particularly care about getting to class on time he was frequently late because he always walked with her to class and somehow left his class early to arrive right when hers got out.
Her friends joked about how they were attached at the hip but she couldn’t be happier. Maybe it was too soon to know but she had a feeling that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. When she looked over at him she could see herself marrying him, starting a family, and growing old together.
She ruffled his dark hair, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He looked up at her with a smile. A smile that earned himself yet another kiss, this one was a bit longer.
From a ways away came a few hoots. Laughing, they both turned to look at where Remus, Sirius, and Peter sat. James casually flipped them off before slipping a hand into Lily’s hair to pull her face towards his, kissing her again. They eventually pulled apart, but Lily sidled up closer and laid her head down on his shoulder, both of them looking out into the horizon at the sun starting to fall behind the mountains. They would eventually have to pack up and return to the castle but for now they simply enjoyed the mostly peaceful May evening side by side, wishing that they could just stay there in that moment together forever.
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lemoncrushh · 9 months ago
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Summary: Not wanting to lose their connection, Lily takes a surprise trip to see Harry.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: Real Harry x OC, written in first person. This is the last of my writings from 2019 (technically the first one since I'm reposting backwards). Obviously, this was heavily based on Live on Tour. I think I was just testing the waters then after having taken a break from fics. The only thing I focused on in 2018 was a longer fic which will come later. So next, I'll be reposting the one shots from 2017.
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“I miss you,” he said, his voice raspy and weary.
“I miss you, too.”
“I wish you were here with me,” said Harry. “I know you didn’t wanna be, cause it’s crazy, but-”
“I never said I didn’t wanna be,” I interrupted.
“Well, you can’t. And I get it.”
With a sigh, I rolled over onto my stomach as I gnawed on the inside of my cheek. The truth was, I wanted to be with him more than anything. I just felt like it was too soon. We’d only started dating a few months before he left for the tour. Things had been such a whirlwind then, that it was a wonder we’d managed to actually become a thing. I’d worried that we’d moved too fast, and when Harry had asked me to consider flying out for some of the shows, I’d hesitated. In the end, I’d told him I couldn’t do anything on short notice since I didn’t have vacation time yet and my job was still relatively new. But I promised I would make plans to be with him for his final show in Los Angeles. He’d said he understood, but each time we talked on the phone, he seemed to miss me more and more. It broke my heart to say the least.
“I just don’t think I can-“
“Lily,” he interrupted this time. “It’s okay. Let’s change the subject.”
That night when I went to bed, I thought about our conversation. Though the rest of it had been sweet and light-hearted, I had felt the weight of Harry’s tone. He wasn’t mad, or even upset, but I could tell he was having a hard time concealing his emotions.
Throwing the covers off of me, I hopped out of bed and grabbed my laptop. Like the word nerd I was, I googled.
Emotion. Noun. A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
Relationship. Noun. The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
Harry and I were connected. I knew it from the moment we met. Not to sound cheesy, like it was some grand scene of kismet in a rom com, but I’d felt something that first day.
Literally, it had been my first day at my new job. After years of trying to be a writer and applying for any kind of position that was remotely associated with writing, taking jobs as a receptionist at a local fluff newspaper and a data entry operator in the accounting department of a publishing company, and even working behind the counter at a bookstore, I’d finally landed my dream job. Well, not so much dream as it was...how shall I put this...the bottom of the totem pole at a company I wanted to work for. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere, right? So what if I was pouring coffee and scheduling meetings and *cough* picking up dry cleaning? I was working for an amazing magazine. No, I wasn’t writing anything yet, but I was finally getting somewhere!
The stars must have been aligned that day. Being the “new girl”, I was led around the office by my boss as she introduced me to everyone. We’d just made it past the editing department when Candace, my boss, lifted her cell to her ear with a frown.
I didn’t understand the conversation, especially with only hearing one side of it, but I certainly caught the words “Harry Styles” and “lunch interview” followed by a few expletives. My breath stilled, and I’m pretty sure my heart did too. Trying to act casual as Candace returned her phone to her pocket, I blinked several times and shifted the weight between my feet.
“Lily,” she turned to me. “I know it’s your first day and you barely know your way around here, but I need a favor.”
I nodded. “Of course.”
Her expression relaxed as she gave a gentle smile. “Congratulations. You get the opportunity no one else has ever gotten on their first day.”
I wasn’t sure why I’d agreed to it, other than the fact that I’d wanted this job more than anything, and impressing Candace was my top priority. But to say I was a nervous wreck as I rode next to her in her BMW to a restaurant so luxurious I’d only ever dreamed of dining there, was an understatement. Apparently Candace’s head writer had gotten into an accident on the freeway that morning and was unable to get to the interview on time. That meant either sending someone else to have lunch with Harry Styles or going herself. Deciding quickly on the latter, and because it was my first day as her personal assistant, I got to tag along, notebook in hand. Well, not exactly in hand. It was in my bag. But you get the idea.
I hadn’t really known what to expect, both in meeting Harry and in getting to eat lunch at this particular restaurant, but within ten minutes I got the answers. The restaurant, while swanky with a limited menu, still felt like any other restaurant I’d been to, albeit upscale. Cloth napkins, iced water in big glasses that looked like they were more for wine or brandy, and tinkly piano music to complete the ambience. And as for Harry Styles...well let’s just say, he was the coolest person I’d ever met. And I don’t mean cool as in too cool for me, or too cool for school. I mean he was so completely down-to-earth that I immediately felt at ease. Sure, my insides were a mess, my heart beating out of my chest and my stomach doing somersaults, but despite that, he didn’t come off as a “celebrity”. He was charming and funny and easy to talk to. And because I was Candace’s assistant, you would think he’d only direct his answers to her. But he looked over at me several times with a sexy, easy grin and made sure he included me in the conversation.
Once Candace got up to take another phone call, and I was left alone with Harry. Afraid I might say or do something stupid, I looked at the notes I had written down. Candace of course had recorded the conversation on her phone with Harry’s permission, so I wasn’t quite sure why she’d had me take notes too. But such is the job of an assistant, I presumed.
After a moment or two of silence, Harry said something, though it took me a second to realize he was addressing me.
“Sorry?” I looked up from my scribbles.
“Is the interview done?” he asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Um...I don’t think so,” I stumbled.
“Then why are you looking at that? I’m right here.”
My heart plummeted to my stomach, and I thought I might vomit the salad I’d just eaten.
“Sorry,” I mumbled as I shoved my notebook into my bag, my face no doubt red from embarrassment. I wanted to crawl under the table...on the other side of the restaurant.
Suddenly Harry laughed. A good, hearty laugh. I looked up at him to see the little crinkles next to his eyes as he chuckled, dimples dipping in his cheeks.
“Loosen up, Lily,” he said.
It took me a second, and a shake of my head, to remember that he knew my name. But the fact that he’d remembered it after only learning it once briefly when Candace had introduced me was another thing entirely. And...was he teasing me?
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“I’m just giving you a hard time. You seem very nervous.”
“Don’t apologize,” he smiled. Then he gestured toward where Candace had walked off. “Is she hard to work for?”
I relaxed, exhaling and placing my hands in front of me. “Truth?”
“Of course.”
“It’s my first day.”
A grin spread across Harry’s handsome face. Just then Candace emerged from the hallway headed back to our table. Harry quickly and simply leaned over towards me, covering my hand with his.
“You’re doing great,” he whispered.
And that’s when I knew.
Okay, it’s not when I knew we were meant to be together or would fall in love or any of that. But I felt connected. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but it was something.
I hadn’t gotten another assignment quite like that one again. At least not yet. Most of my job consisted of running errands and getting coffee, although I did get to see and greet a few celebrities here and there. But when Harry’s interview was printed, I received a bouquet of flowers. Lilies.
Harry and I laughed about it for days after he called to ask me out. We both agreed it was cheesy, but he admitted he liked the cheese. I’d fallen for it, after all. Sucker.
Emotion. Noun. A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
I stared at the screen, reciting the definition over and over. Harry and I were in a relationship. He was far away and it would be a long time before he returned. How could I not feel any emotion about it? How could I not consider his feelings as well? How could I keep pretending I didn’t miss him more than anything? How could I possibly keep this amazing relationship alive if I wasn’t willing to try to put more effort in re-establishing our connection?
Connect. Verb. Bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.
With one or two more clicks of the mouse, I found myself on an airline website. Then opening a second tab, I brought up another website and searched for Harry Styles tickets. Flipping between the two sites, I chose a concert on a Saturday and managed to find a decent price for a flight. I figured I could fly out on Friday and be back by Sunday. I wouldn’t even have to miss work. A few clicks later, and I’d made my purchases. I was going to see Harry.
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It had been a while since I’d been to a concert. Despite being a huge fan of music and having my own list of favorites, I hadn’t been inside an arena in at least a few years. My ears were already ringing from the noises around me, fans eager for Harry to take the stage.
I had a seat near the B stage. I hadn’t known what that meant until I’d bought my ticket and began to watch fan videos on YouTube. During the middle of the show, Harry stepped off the main stage and walked the gauntlet so to speak, screaming fans on either side, and made his way to a second smaller stage near the back of the arena where he performed a few songs acoustically. I’d watched several videos so far, and this was probably my favorite part of the show. It seemed so intimate, like Harry was giving his audience a special little piece of himself. Sometimes he’d throw in a little banter which made me giggle and remind me why I liked him so much.
I’d also seen fans giving him flowers. I thought that might be a little presumptuous and perhaps even ridiculous, not because he didn’t deserve them, but because...what if he didn’t take them? Or what if they got crushed in all the excitement? The poor girl spent her money on a bouquet for nothing. But I reckoned I’d take my chance. And if nothing else, we’d have a laugh over it later.
No, Harry didn’t know I was coming. It was a surprise. We’d even talked on the phone the night before after I’d landed and was snug as a bug in my hotel bed. He hadn’t a clue.
When the lights went out, I immediately felt the excitement the rest of the arena did. I even laughed and hugged the girl next to me when she grabbed my arm and screamed in my ear.
Before the first song was over, one thing was certain. Watching Harry Styles on YouTube was not the same as watching him in person. You would think I wouldn’t be screaming and dancing with the rest of the crowd since I actually knew the guy personally, let alone had the privilege of dating him. But holy cow, was I a fangirl! It was like watching Mick Jagger, Freddie Mercury and some cool indie rocker all rolled into one. I was so mesmerized and lost in every single song that I almost forgot about him coming to the B stage. Until it happened.
I’d laid my bouquet of lilies as gently as I could underneath my seat, hoping they didn’t get stomped on. I quickly retrieved them as soon as he took the steps down the main stage and waited for him to come closer. To be honest, up till this point, I suppose I had just assumed he would catch a glimpse of me, but I hadn’t considered anything further than that. My stomach started doing the flips as he climbed onto the small stage, and I saw him wave to the crowd. I didn’t want to make my presence obvious, but I did want him to know I was there. But his eyes grazed right over me and then he pulled his guitar strap over his head.
Disappointment ate at me as I felt my chest deflate. Nevertheless, Harry sang the first song beautifully, and it brought tears to my eyes. As he introduced the chords to the next song, teasing the audience a bit, I almost thought he saw me. But instead he tucked his guitar pick between his teeth and spread out his arms, making the crowd cheer loudly. The girl next to me began to jump up and down, making the ground tremble beneath my feet. I sort of wished she’d make enough noise for Harry to look our way, but he seemed to be taking it all in, letting the fans simmer in their excitement.
Finally, he began to sing. It was one of my favorite ballads where everyone with a cell phone brought it up to display their flashlights or bright screens. I sang along with him, wishing I could somehow channel my thoughts to him, make him look my way telepathically. Suddenly, during the breakdown after the bridge, his gaze met mine. It was kind of comical how his eyes widened as though he wasn’t sure he’d really seen me. I smiled, holding my lilies underneath my chin. Then he smiled too, one corner of his mouth sliding up further than the other. The crowd seemed to scream even louder, thinking his pause and smirk was somehow a reaction to them. I was perfectly fine with letting them think that. But I knew it was for me.
Harry finished the song, his audience singing in unison. Then he took me by surprise by setting down his guitar, walking to the edge of the stage, and reaching out. At first I wasn’t sure what was going on, but then someone nearby, a stagehand or someone from the soundboard, or maybe even Jeffrey Azoff, heck if I knew then, took the flowers from my hands and handed them to Harry. He smiled, inhaled deeply, smiled even wider, then blew me a kiss.
Everything after that happened so fast, it was a whirlwind. I think someone took the flowers back from Harry and put them somewhere. Then Harry sang one more song before heading back to the main stage. The cute girl next to me grabbed my arm again and squealed that he’d taken my flowers, and I was so freaking lucky, and that she was gonna do that next time, if she got to see him again. I giggled with her and squeezed her hand, then we watched the rest of the show in glee.
I hugged my new friend goodbye after the lights came back on, not really sure what to do next. Obviously I’d come to see Harry, not just his concert. But I didn’t know if I should stick around and wait for him, or go back to my hotel.
I opted for watching the crowd fizzle out as they sang and danced down the aisles towards the exits. I was just about to climb the steps myself and make my way to the restroom when my phone buzzed in my pocket.
Where are you?
I grinned, quickly texting him back.
Still in my seat.
I’ll send someone for you.
I wouldn’t have been surprised if I’d had to wait another half hour or so before someone came to retrieve me. Working somewhat in the entertainment industry - even for a few months - I was used to a lot of waiting. But it wasn’t barely five minutes before a man with a tight smile on his face came to greet me.
“Follow me,” he said simply.
The hallway backstage was brightly lit and smelled of sweat and cologne. It reminded me of a high school gym. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting as I’d seen many movies and documentaries about bands, but for some reason it wasn’t that. Still, I followed the man down the corridor to a closed door onto which he knocked. Someone must have given him the all clear and he pushed open the door and gestured for me to enter.
Now, the fangirl in me would have kicked myself for not first noticing the shirtless Harry Styles sitting in a chair by the mirror, but instead the bouquet of lilies displayed in a vase next to him. However, the girlfriend in me was all heart-eyed and flustered.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I heard him ask.
Blinking my eyes, I smiled at him, finally getting a good look at him. Weak knees. Heart palpitations. 9-1-1, people. How did I get so freaking lucky, as my new stranger friend would have said.
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” I beamed.
“Well, mission accomplished,” he chuckled.
With the grace of a gazelle, Harry rose from his chair to stand in front of me. I’d almost forgotten how tall he was. Man, it had been too long.
“Truth is…” I cleared my throat. “I missed you.”
Harry said nothing, merely nodded, his eyes glowing as they seemed to memorize every curve of my face.
“And um…” I continued as he suddenly touched my arms, his hands cupping my elbows.
I momentarily lost my train of thought as Harry lowered his head and began to breathe on my neck. I felt goosebumps all over my flesh in an instant, and I instinctively lifted my hands to touch his chest.
“There’s an and?” he said low into my ear.
“Yeah,” I sighed. “But it’s not important.”
“Of course it is. Or you wouldn’t be here.”
He lifted his head again to look straight into my eyes.
“Tell me,” he said.
“I just...didn’t want to lose our connection,” I confessed. “I think we have something great. And I hope you do, too.”
Harry nodded, a soft smile on his lips. “I do.”
“I admit, it’s hard being apart from you,” I added, looking down at my hands that had somehow landed on either side of his butterfly tattoo. “But I’d be an idiot if I didn’t let you know how I feel.”
Harry pulled me to him then, and I felt him sigh.
“And how do you feel?” he asked.
“I just said.”
Harry laughed. “No, you didn’t.”
“I feel...emotional,” I side-stepped.
“That’s a bit redundant, darling.”
I bit my lip. He was gonna make me say it, wasn’t he? As much as I was a word nerd, that was one word I couldn’t just blurt out. Even though I definitely felt it. It just wasn’t easy for me.
“Well, how do you think I feel, Harry?  I mean, I just flew out here from L.A. to surprise you.”
“Oh, I dunno,” he teased. “Could’ve been for another reason, and I just happened to be here…”
He threw his head back laughing before kissing me on the forehead. Then the nose. Then the mouth. The kiss deepened, and for a minute I thought perhaps his inquiring was over and we were just lost in each other. Then he stopped suddenly and whispered against my lips.
“I love you, too, Lily.”
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nhlclover · 2 years ago
hurricane | jack hughes
summary: you reconnect with your ex after running into him at a bar.
request: yes / no
warning: drinking, kissing
a/n: based on ‘hurricane’ by luke combs. the biggest fan of this but whatever! thank you guys for the support on the last one and for sending in requests! i promise i will get to them!
word count: 1.38k
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“Please come with us, y/n.” My friend Maya whined.
I was currently sitting on my couch, resting comfortably in my sweats, with my two best friends standing in front of me, wearing miniskirts. They were trying to convince me to come out with them to a bar that we normally go to.
“I’m just not up for it girls. I have a headache.” I say, giving an excuse that I hope they buy.
“Bullshit.” Lily says. “You’re still sad about Jack.”
I wince as she says the name of my ex-boyfriend.
“So what if I am?” I fire back.
“It’s been two months.” Lily reminds me.
“Actually it’s only been a month and 17 days.” I corrected her.
“Get up now.” Lily says, ripping the blanket off my legs.
Jack and I breaking up was just about the last thing I wanted to happen, but with our conflicting schedules and him being out of town so much, we couldn’t make time for one another. Ironically, breaking up was the only way to save our relationship.
“I just… What if he’s there tonight?” I ask, really not wanting to see him.
“Please, it’s a Wednesday night, he’s not going to a bar on a Wednesday night.” Maya tells me.
I hesitate, looking back and forth between my friends. “Alright, I’ll pay for your first drink if you come out tonight.” Lily tells me.
I sigh, and, deciding that a free drink is incentive enough, agree to go out with my friends. I quickly change into a black mini dress, pairing it with baby blue boots, and grabbing a purse that matches them. Lily orders the uber while I quickly apply some makeup. Just as I wrap up the application, she gets the text saying the driver was here.
We get to the bar which is relatively packed for a Wednesday night. As promised, Lily buys me a shot for my first drink. I take it, letting the tequila flow down my throat, burning going down. We talk for a bit, making conversation with a few frat guys that “thought we were hot as fuck”, before I decide I need another drink.
I dip away to the bar, ordering a vodka cran. When he’s done, I take the drink from the bartender, exchanging it for my card to start a tab. I weave in between groups of sweaty people, making my way cautiously to my friends. I notice two tall brunettes both wearing backward hats, who had replaced the frat boys, conversing with my friends. It isn’t until I’m standing next to Maya that I recognize the two as Nico and Dawson, two of Jack’s teammates.
“Oh no.” I falter. “He’s here, isn’t he?”
“Just went to the bar.” Nico nods.
I get slightly panicky when I realize we’ll likely come face-to-face. Even though it had been almost two months, I had yet to lose feelings for him. What Jack and I had wasn’t something I had ever experienced in a relationship before. He understood me even when I made no sense and quickly found his way with my body.
I see all their heads turn to look at the bar, then looking for myself, seeing him walk straight towards me. He looks just as good as the last day I saw him, his hair only slightly longer, but with a freshly shaven face. I freeze, not knowing whether to stay or walk away. I go with the latter, deciding I couldn’t handle talking to him yet, especially not with this little alcohol in my system. I wouldn’t even know what to say.
I again weave through people, finding my way to the bathroom. I slip in, locking the door behind me. I quickly down the rest of my drink and then look in the mirror, slightly touching up my hair and makeup. I unlocked the door and peeked my head out, hoping he wasn’t waiting outside of the bathroom. He wasn’t so I made my way to the bar, cautious of the people around me. I felt a little stupid, sneaking around this bar just to avoid my ex-boyfriend.
“Hi, can I get a highball, please?” I ask the bartender, who nods at my request. He quickly mixes my drink, putting it on my tab. Highballs are my poison; once I finish one, I know I’m destined to make poor decisions the rest of the night.
Just as the drink is set down in front of me, I notice a body take a seat on the barstool to my left. I don’t dare look, hoping if I don’t I might not need to talk to him. I gulp down part of my drink, feeling a slight burn from the whisky.
“Hey man, can I get water?” he asks. His smooth voice sends a chill across my shoulders as if he was dragging his finger across my back. I make the mistake of finally looking up, only to see him already looking at me. I consider making a run for it.
“Don’t run away.” He says, reading my mind.
“Hi.” I say softly.
“Hi.” He replies.
“How are you?” I ask, trying to be polite.
“I miss you.” He says.
“That doesn’t really answer my question.” I joke, gulping another sip of my drink.
“You know how I’m doing.” He replies.
The fact of the matter is that neither one of us wanted the breakup. When we did, I heard through friends that he was doing just as bad as I was. That he wasn’t sleeping much and was putting all his anger and sadness into hockey.
“Jack… it was for the best.” I remind him.
“I know… I just feel like we could’ve made it work.” He sighs. I sigh as well, gulping down the last of my drink, which I finished alarmingly fast. Jack, noticing my now empty glass, flags down the bartender.
“Hey, can she get a sprite with orange juice?” He asks, adding the drink I always get to close out my tab. As if reading my mind, he says “I remember your last drink. You never forgot. And neither did I.”
He was right. Whenever we went out to get drinks, he always ensured I got orange juice with sprite to end the night.
“I can’t believe you remember that.” I chuckle.
“Are you kidding?” He laughs. “The one time you forgot to drink one, you literally cried in the back seat of the Uber the entire drive home.”
I laugh with him, vaguely recalling the drunk memory. “Hey, I like tradition.” I respond. “At least I didn’t fall leaving a bar and gash my eyebrow open.”
“Oh my gosh. And remember I had to lie to the media and say that it was from a puck hitting me?” Jack recalls.
We laugh together, and remember memories from our relationship.
“Do you remember the last time we were at this bar?” He asks.
I nod, sipping from my orange juice, hoping he wouldn’t notice the blush on my cheeks. “We couldn’t even wait to get home so you dragged me to the broom closet over there.” I tell him.
“We couldn’t get enough of each other.” He says softly. It was as if he was the only one in the bar speaking. I couldn’t hear anything but his voice at this point. My heart races as I remember the times we spent together. “Come on y/n… we were perfect for each other.”
His hand had now found its way onto my knee, gripping it lightly. “Why end something so good?”
I don’t know if I should blame the alcohol or the natural effect that Jack has always had on me, but I give in.
“Did you drive here?” I ask him.
“I was supposed to DD tonight.” he replies.
“Then let's go.” I say.
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lynsstrange · 8 months ago
I think one of my biggest unanswered questions about the Marauders/HP in general is how Peter even ended up in Gryffindor in the first place.
Obviously I’m gonna be talking about canon here, not headcanons that he was manipulated or tortured into joining the death eaters (which I also feel erases crucial thematic intention. But that’s a conversation for another day). I’m talking about the dead-set canonic facts that he spied on his best friends who trusted him, sold them out, and then hid as a rat for twelve years.
Peter is established, from start to finish throughout the entire series, as an opportunist with no moral backbone.
He’s friends with James, Sirius, and Remus at least in part because they are popular, and he wants to be protected and respected by proximity. During the war, the second their side isn’t doing too hot he takes the side that he feels is safer, with no regard for the people he called his friends for a decade. He sets up an entire ploy he knows will end with two of them dead and the other in prison for life. When he transforms back in POA, the first thing he does in desperation is prey on Sirius and Remus’ previous care for him and Harry’s good nature to try and manipulate his way to being shown mercy. The second he has a window of opportunity he flees again.
He’s killed by the magical hand Voldemort gave him because he hesitates to kill Harry. But even this was out of guilt, obligation and a presumable unawareness that the hand would turn on him for even pausing a moment. We don’t know if he would have still fought Harry after hesitating had it not killed him. So I wouldn’t call it bravery.
So, start to finish in the series, none of Peter’s on-screen actions even remotely point to somebody who embodies traits of selflessness and courage. So how does someone whose character can most simply be summarized into “cowardly” in one word end up in the house for the brave?
Does it all really boil down to his barely semi-heroic death? Probably not. Is it just an inconsistency in the story, because jkr needed Peter to be close enough to the rest of the Marauders to have James and Lily trust him with their lives? There are a few examples of plotholes where the marauders are concerned, so it’s not entirely unlikely. But I don’t think so, because as I’ll get into, there was clearly some thought put into how he was sorted by jkr.
My biggest theory is that Peter chose to be put in Gryffindor. Harry confirms that personal choice has sway in where the sorting hat places you at the end of the deathly hallows. And of course, based off everything we know about him, it makes sense that Peter would like to be placed in one of the more reviled houses, the one where the bravest heroes go. We know the sorting hat was in a hat stall between that and slytherin, and jkr purposefully wrote for such a rare occurrence to happen during his sorting. So maybe the ultimate decision came down to Peter’s desire to be placed in Gryffindor, rather than Slytherin and it’s somewhat negative reputation.
But even then, wouldn’t Peter have had to exemplify some brave qualities for it to even consider Gryffindor an option? And, frankly, we never see him make a decision that’s not self motivated in canon (if you have examples to prove otherwise lemme know). So did it all purely come down to his will to be placed in Gryffindor?
That’s my best guess, but it’s still very interesting to me how much of an oxymoron his character is: the cowardly gryffindor.
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dutifullynuttywitch · 8 months ago
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Redemption is a Perpetual Journey
Series: Bloodbound
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed x Gaius Augustine
Rating: Mature (angst)
Word count: 1,491
A little birthday gift for the amazing @thosehallowedhalls ! Based on a chat we had... and because you have made me see our dear Gaius in a new forgiving light 🤭 I hope you have an amazing day - you deserve happiness and all good things! I'm so glad I met you, Caro 🌺🎉
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The year is 3024.
The world had transformed beyond recognition.
Vast expanses of the earth had become unliveable, forcing its inhabitants to shelter in massive city-states.
The city of Novopolis had risen from the ruins of New York during the times of upheaval.
It sprawls beneath a massive shimmering dome, its skyscrapers reaching for the artificial sky like thousands of jagged steel fingers.
The domes were built centuries ago, consequence of the ozone layer’s depletion. Humankind in its hubris having failed to reverse the climate crisis. This development had been convenient for the vampires who could now walk in the daylight amongst humans, cyborgs and all manner of supernatural beings.
Kamilah Sayeed lands smoothly in a forested park on the outskirts of the glittering, fast-paced city.
A tap on her smartwatch, the lightweight wings disappear into her outfit.
She takes in her surrounding with a sharp glance. Smoothing her sleek dress. The digitally-enhanced fabric changes to align with her desired look – an elegantly dark don’t fuck with me style that makes her feel powerful, in control.
Today, she needs to be in control.
A thousand years had passed since they had defeated the original vampire, the Goddess Rheya. Since that fateful conversation with her sire, her on-and-off lover for nearly two thousand years.
“Kamilah… in Japan… you said one good deed doesn’t undo all the evil I’ve caused. How many do you think it would take… to call me friend?”
“Come talk to me in a thousand years. I’ll let you know what I think then.”
“A thousand years…” he smiles wryly, “I suppose I could give it a try.”
Gaius Augustine had been true to his oath.
The vampire had spent the past millennia wandering the known world, hunting down criminals and supernatural villains without reprieve. He seemed to have kept mostly to himself, not staying anywhere long enough to build attachments. Only leaving a trail of whispers of his exploits across continents.
Avoiding all contact with other vampires, anyone from his old life.
That was fine by her.
Kamilah had not wanted to see him. She remained angry at how he had degraded her, corrupted her into becoming a killing machine for thousands of years. But more so, Kamilah was furious at how she had let herself be seduced by his charisma, his allure. Allowed him to tempt her into following his murderous inclinations for so long. No, it would be disingenuous to lay all the blame at her maker’s feet.
And there was the issue of Rheya. Gaius had said she was not completely to blame for his behaviour, though she had locked away his empathy, his ability to feel guilt. How would their lives have turned out without her toxic influence?
At least, the pain had dulled over the centuries.
She had begun to forgive herself.
As for Gaius, she would see.
Kamilah takes a deep breath, composing herself.
The elegant vampire sets off at a leisurely pace, strolling beneath the shade of tall trees.
She heads towards a massive wooden bridge crossing a stream. A vestige of New York. Nothing made of wood was created anymore, the few surviving forests too precious to misuse so.
Kamilah crosses paths with humans, faes and other mystical beings. Most now have artificial limbs and enhancements thanks to growing advancements in biohacking.
Lily would have thrived in this environment.
Kamilah vividly remembers the vibrant, energetic young woman who had sacrificed her life to help defeat Rheya. Lily’s contagious positivity and selflessness had managed to thaw her heart a little.
The other members of their ragtag crew – Adrian, Amy, Jax, Seraphine, Nikhil – also held a soft spot, though each had followed their own paths over the centuries.
Gaius’s soft whisper jolts the woman from her musings.
“A thousand years apart, and yet here we stand.”
He stops a few feet from her, movements uncertain.
Quickly calming her heartbeat, Kamilah takes in his appearance.
Physically, he had changed little. Those same handsome, sharp features. That charming, deviously seductive smile. That ageless face.
Though a constellation of new scars told a story, centuries of rough living. His blue eyes now held a certain melancholy.
“I’ve missed you.”
He smiles tentatively, his angular face softening slightly.
Kamilah remains silent. Observing him.
Attempting to process the chaos of emotions churning deep within her.
Together, they had danced, loved, hated and fought through epochs, their passion always an unbreakable thread. But now, after so many centuries apart, he felt like a stranger to her.
Kamilah’s gaze turns away, sweeping over the cityscape.
“Novopolis. A monument to human resilience. And yet, it lacks the wild beauty of our old world.”
They lean against the worn bridge, staring out at the jagged skyscrapers. Letting the sunlight warm their exposed skin. The dome above them hums softly, shielding them from the toxic atmosphere beyond.
“That is does. I miss the vast forests of old. How one had to spend months hidden on cramped ships to travel between continents. Spend weeks on horseback, traversing vast fields and woodlands, our bodies stiff with the harsh journeys. I had never felt more alive. Now, everything feels fast-paced, ephemeral.”
“Except us. We remain constant through all of it, unchanged.”
“Are we truly unchanged?”
Gaius asks, turning to her, gazing into her eyes intently. As if her response meant everything to him. Could perhaps redeem him.
Kamilah returns his gaze. Silent. Her face an undecipherable mask.
The man sighs.
“I have done my best to atone for my past deeds. Though it can never erase all the harm I’ve brought this world, I dare hope that somewhere down the line, I… I will begin to hate myself less. And perhaps, so will you…”
Those last few words are whispered. A confession to himself, to her.
Kamilah’s gaze finally softens. The tension eases from her shoulders.
“Gaius, for the longest time I have blamed you for our bloody rampage across Europe. For nearly destroying New York. Killing Amy, and countless others. Truth be told, I have my share of misdeeds to atone for. I am still working on forgiving myself."
Gaius takes her hands in his, willing her to look at him.
“My dear, you have always been the greater one. My moral compass. I will forever regret not heeding your advice during my darkest moments. Gods if I could take it all back…”
“But we can’t. We can only move forward.”
Those hands. Kamilah shivers unwillingly at the familiar warmth, as a surge of memories overwhelm her senses. Oh, how these hands had caressed her so tenderly, sensually for centuries. Traced every curve of her body, memorized her intimately, elicited a range of pleasure and emotions that no other being – man or woman – had been able to match since. How these same hands had also threatened her, hurt her and her loved ones. Caused her uncountable grief and sorrow.
What were they to her now?
He notices the conflicting emotions flashing across her exquisite face and steps closer, sliding his hands up, caressing her arms, shoulders, wanting to ease her pain. Somehow.
On impulse, Kamilah reaches out, tracing his cheek with the tips of her fingers. Such familiar features. That soft skin, so warm.
He closes his eyes, leaning into her delicate touch. The shadow of a smile dances on the corners of his lips.
“Gaius, will we ever find peace?”
He opens his eyes, locking onto hers. A mix of emotions flickering in those endless pools. Sadness, self-loathing, tenderness… and hope.
“Perhaps. Perhaps… we can attempt to continue our journeys of atonement together?”
Kamilah closes her eyes at that, leaning her head on his shoulder.
Gaius gathers her into his arms tenderly. She buries her face into the crook of his neck and breathes in his familiar scent, hints of leather and earthy notes. Allowing herself to be vulnerable for a moment.
Just a moment.
As the city buzzes in the distance, Kamilah whispers against his warm skin, regretfully.
“I am not certain I am ready for that.”
Gaius holds her tighter, unable to let her go just yet. He nods his understanding into her obsidian hair, bending towards her ear to murmur
“I have waited a thousand years to see you again. For you, my queen, I will wait a thousand more.”
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bathic · 3 months ago
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2. Sunday Newspaper Spectacle: Part Two
Word Count: 1.7k
Diary Entry: 008-1
The missus asked me why I chose to waste away my talents working here at Mastodon rather than chasing after some district of arts somewhere inspiring and worthy of a life long-lived. I never quite thought about it. But after she placed that little seedling in my head to ruminate over, I found myself entertaining the same question. Why did I choose to become part of the help instead of seeking out my own dreams? The inquiry nags at me until the itch to paint makes my fingers restless, enough so to earn a scolding from Hwa.
The option to leave has always remained on the table for me— for any of us. But I continue to stay rooted. I don’t think I’ll be inspired in some seaside cottage town or in the quaint alley of a rustic hole-in-the wall cafe.
“You are stepping on the petunias, Wooyoung.” Yeosang stared at the crushed petals and flattened stems of his labor with a forlorn pout. He worked hard on those, nurturing them from puny little seeds into vibrant pinks and purples now smashed under the chunky soles of Wooyoung’s sneakers. Autumn was steadily departing, and a new batch couldn’t possibly withstand the winters at Mastodon. Yeosang would mourn them just as he did with the lilies.
“Do you see them, Sangie? Wagging their tongues and waving their holier-than-thou fingers at our home.” Wooyoung stood on his toes in order to see over the white coquina wall bordering the property. A newly constructed fixture after one entire side of the previously used iron-wrought fencing was coincidentally uprooted and vanished without a trace just a few days after the delivered newspaper. Wooyoung suspects it was the county trying to maim the Mastodon’s image further by creating an ugly eyesore amongst the usually well-kept landscaping.
Yeosang moves to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the other man, however a bit more considerate of the petunias that managed to avoid Wooyoung’s hazard. Glancing over, he spots a trio standing idle at the trunk of a black pricey car— very much pointing and staring at the manor.
“Well? Do you see them?” Wooyoung’s insistence felt like a fly buzzing in Yeosang’s ear.
“Yes… Yes, I see them.”
“Fucking knew it— I bet they are scheming on what next to destroy. Fucking lousy cockroaches—“ Wooyoung peels away from the wall, and the petunias left untouched are quickly smashed in his departing stomps. Yeosang looks down at them bitterly.
“We need to do something.”
“Like what? Egg their car?”
Wooyoung scoffs, “Seriously? How juvenile can you be.”
Yeosang rolls his eyes, avoiding the flowerbed graveyard with his leather loafers. “I wasn’t being serious.”
“Good because I was thinking we bag some dog poop and light it up on their doorsteps.”
Now it was Yeosang’s turn to scoff, “And my ‘not serious’ suggestion was juvenile?”
“Yes, and a waste of poultry products. I mean think about it, Sangie. Who the hell is going to miss a pile of rank dog crap? Plus, no money wasted, and it’s being disposed of.” Wooyoung twirls his finger like a proper know-it-all.
“What’s being disposed of?”
“And why isn’t money being wasted?”
Wooyoung’s upper lip sourly curled, “Must you both eavesdrop in every conversation that everyone and their mother’s cat is having?”
Yeosang turned to the newcomers; Jongho who’s soft round face was swathed in the fabric of the large silk bow at the base of his throat and Mingi’s own to match fluttering wistfully between baby soft strands of brown hair. Yunho had teased them one late summer’s evening that they could almost pass off as twins. That sediment wasn’t taken quite well and the aftermath of another Min-Jong scuffle left dinner scattered across cabinets (both upper and lower), countertops and each other with Wooyoung barking mad about his hard-work going to waste over two grunting gorillas. And if you ask San, he will whisper behind a conspiratorial hand that he swears he could still hear Hongjoong’s voice in certain corners of the manor lecturing the two until the night shifts into day.
“We weren’t eavesdropping, just passing by after hanging the linens.”
“Not like it would be particularly hard to eavesdrop when you’ve got a speaker permanently attached to your mouth, Youngie.” Jongho adjusted his bow nonchalantly, a cheeky smile dancing across his lips.
“And just what is that supposed to mean?”
Mingi snapped his gloved fingers, the sound dulled from the fabric. “Ah, it means you’ve got a loudmouth and that everyone from here to beyond the county’s borders could hear— word for every word spoken.”
The two were jesting, an unspoken hobby of theirs to pick at the second youngest knowing how riled up he gets. Jongho compared him to a kitten that was rubbed with an inflated balloon, a hairball that spits and jumps from toes to toes. Mingi disagreed, finding that a brooding chicken was far more likewise.
“I think Hwa fussed those bows a little too tightly this morning and all the rational thoughts have been squeezed right out of your ears.” Wooyoung spun on his heels and stomped up the lawn towards the French-style side doors leading into the kitchen.
The three watched him yank the doors open dramatically, ears catching the faint yet scolding tone of Seonghwa just as he crossed the threshold and disappeared out of view. Yeosang sighed, fixing his gaze on the other two.
“Oh? Was it something we said?” Jongho pursed his lips forward in an innocent pout, eyes wide and unblinking as he looked up at Mingi and then to Yeosang.
The older merely sighs.
With an hour left before supper, Faust saw it as the perfect opportune moment to call for a meeting. These things didn’t happen too often, maybe twice a month if needed but her lovely little treat for her eight well-behaved maids just couldn’t be kept under lock and key.
She smiles, toothy and wide. “Tomorrow we will be going into town for a little respite. I figured you all have been keeping your little noses clean and a bit of shopping as a treat for good behavior is in the books. Plus,” The demon stands, hand on her hip and a lazy curl to her tail. “I simply adore spoiling my darlings.”
Yeosang glances over at Wooyoung, a conspiratorial gleam in the younger’s eyes. It was trouble spelt in big bold letters.
“Town? Do you… Is that a good idea? I mean, we aren’t exactly welcomed by any means of the word.” San’s tone betrayed his hesitation, as did his jumping eyes that bounced from Faust to his fellow maids.
“I have to agree with Sannie. The county would rather burn the entire town down if they caught wind or sight of us there.” Seonghwa didn’t find the risk on the missus and their lives to be worth a little money blowing. Even if he desired to be pampered with new outfits and trinkets by his wife, to feel like the prettiest househusband on this side of the sea cliff.
“You both are worrying for nothing.” Wooyoung felt like this was an answer being blessed upon him by a greater power, a proffered solution to his problem that he has been agonizing over.
“I also think there is nothing to be worried about. ‘S long as we stay low-key then how will they even know it’s us there.” Yunho adds, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Easier said than done, they have eyes posted on the manor at all hours.”
“Hardly. They may hate us, but I doubt anyone from the county will find losing a wink of sleep just to catch if we scratch our balls first or our asses worth it.” Seonghwa scrunches his nose and discreetly juts his elbow into Jongho’s side. The younger whines, rubbing the spot with a pout.
“My, so much divide here. And I thought my treat for all of you would have been welcomed with open arms.” Faust knows the upset isn’t just a flippant thing, she’s more than aware of the county’s malcontent with her, her husbands and their home. But what kind of demon cowers against a bunch of snotty little humans? Surely not her. Not when she could easily snap their necks and suck out each flavorless morsel of their souls through the hole the bone would produce.
Plus, her darlings were no less human than the rest of them. Why do they not deserve to partake in the same humanly downtime of retail therapy? Just because they are bound to her— it was nonsensical.
“We should vote.” Hongjoong offers a quick solution not because he truly cares if they go into town or not but because supper like every other scheduled event in the mundane day-to-day needs to be met exactly on time and preparations haven’t even begun. He checks the watch on his wrist in a quick flash before settling his eyes on the group.
“Those in favor of the outing tomorrow, raise your right hand.”
Wooyoung’s flies up before Hongjoong barely finishes speaking. Closely followed by Jongho, Yunho, Mingi and a slightly hesitant Yeosang. Hongjoong concludes the vote with his own. That left Seonghwa and San being the only two not in favor and by the rules of democracy— the unfavorable party.
“That settles it then. Make sure to scrub behind your ears and beneath your nails tonight after supper. Pre-plan your outfits before you retire to bed and don’t forget to change your underwear… Mingi.” Hongjoong rattles off, the last of his sediments accompanied by a pointed look in the younger’s direction.
“That was— it was one time!”
Faust watches them file out with an endeared grin, surely her face was riddled with the expression of a lovesick fool. But her husbands were worth every ounce of the emotion… love. Never did a word mean so much more than just those four letters.
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quanx1stay · 2 years ago
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ʚ ♡ perennial beloveds ♡ ɞ
CH.00 | prologue |1137 wc
warnings - cuteness & pining
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      The night was young when YN and her bandmates made it to their dorms for the first time. Stepping through the doors immediately greeted the girls with a clean, refreshing scent which was met with soft whispers of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ as they trickled in, the occasional ‘wow’ slipping out too which the dorm’s air with a new purpose — to become a home for the girls. They each explored the unfamiliar building, separating into small groups to cover more ground. YN investigated the right side of the dorms with Minnie and Lily and discovered two bathrooms, four bedrooms, and a closet holding the washer and dryer. “Babes, come look at this!” Minnie called to the rest of her group, “we have a washer and a dryer!” She exclaimed.
      “They're getting quite popular lately so I’m not very surprised,” Lily responded.
      “Yeah, Yeah, I know! But it’s still pretty cool since I never had one growing up.” Lily hummed in response.
      “Why don’t we go check on the others, I’m sure they’re done looking around by now,” YN said, turning on her heel and walking towards the common area. Everyone agrees that the dorms are very nice but what won't be as easy to agree upon is who gets which room. There are eight bedrooms in total — one for each member — and quarrels were already beginning to form over who gets which room based on location, windows, who they wanted their neighbour to be, and so on.
      After the rooms were decided upon everyone had settled in and finished their nightly routines, some stayed up trying to figure out how the television in the living room worked while others headed to bed. YN was among the majority of whom headed to bed but just as she was about to close off YouTube and set her phone on the bedside table she gets a text.
      FELIX: Hey!!
      FELIX: How's the first day in your new dorm been? (23:46)
      Smiling at her phone, she replies.
      YN: Hey, Felix! It’s been great :) I can really see myself living here haha (23:47)
      FELIX: Awesome! I won’t keep you from sleeping for any longer, than. Good night and sweet dreams <33 (23:48)
      YN: Thanks ^^ if THE Lee Felix wishes me sweet dreams I won’t have to worry about having a single bad dream for the rest of my life \(≧▽≦)/(23:49)
      FELIX: LOL
      FELIX: I’m not capable of all that T^T (23:51)
      YN: Haha whatever you say~
      YN: Good night for real now! Let's talk tomorrow, yeah? (23:51)
      FELIX: Of course <3 now go to bed!!! (23:52)
      YN: Aye aye, captain!! (23:52)
      Lee Felix.
      Felix was a member of Stray Kids, another idol group. YN met him as a trainee since both groups were under JYP and boy did it make her life so much easier. Felix was the only other trainee she was able to make a connection with that spoke fluent English. Since moving to Korea to pursue her dream of becoming an idol she struggled to make friends since most trainees only spoke Korean and she didn’t, the ones that did were often too busy for friendships or, in a few cases, were plain rude. But Felix? He nearly blinded YN with his kindness. They met in their Korean class and decided that since they were at about the same level of fluency — barely conversational — that they could help each other study when they had time off. It wasn’t long before they became friends and started hanging out outside of studying. They would often get coffee together, play games, or even study independently together, occasionally asking each other for help. If they couldn’t see each other in person they’d settle for texting or calling instead. After almost a year of knowing each other Felix debuted, unintentionally leaving behind his best friend. He became so busy that they went from texting or calling at least once a day to barely once a week because once he would get home he just collapsed into bed. Sometimes he wouldn’t even have the energy to shower before going to sleep, forcing him to take one in the morning instead. YN and Felix felt like they were drifting apart and didn’t know what to do about it. Just over three months had passed and Felix texted YN to see if she was free to call since he had a few hours to himself to which YN happily agreed to chat. They talked for hours, and Bangchan nearly had to steal Felix’s phone to get him back to work. Felix profusely apologized for being so busy and not being able to put in the same amount of effort that YN deserved which made her giggle and told him she completely understood and never wanted to pressure him into talking to her if he didn’t have the time or energy. They caught up on what was happening in their lives and YN confessed she was going to debut soon with her girl group LuV iN and even showed him a sneak peek at their debut album. To say he was happy for her would be a grave understatement. He was absolutely ecstatic that she could finally live her dream and ushered her to reveal whatever she could to him. They talked and talked and talked and eventually they fell into a comfortable silence, sending each other memes or posts that simply reminded them of the other. After the call had ended it was close to 22:00 meaning YN needed to begin her nightly routine. A few weeks later LuV iN debuted and gained a lot of attention very quickly. A week after the debut YN started to understand how Felix felt, having 16-18 hour days every day was more difficult than she thought. LuV iN was supposed to move into their dorms right away after debuting but there were a few delays which pushed back their move-in date by two months. Once the two months were up and everything was in order YN and the others wasted no time moving in and getting settled in.
      YN laid in her pyjamas staring at the ceiling thinking about how much she appreciated Felix. How kind and generous he was, how funny and charming he was, how he can make her smile just from the thought of him, how beautiful his freckles and lips were, how stunning he was when he smiled, how soft and kissable those lips were, how silky his hair was, and finally how soft his hands were and how she longed to touch them again. Her thoughts and fantasies slowly lulled her to sleep where she dreamt of something warm and sweet, just as Felix wished.
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endermen-impasta · 2 years ago
Hello people who follow me, I got another thing to explain as I get a hold on what my sona is going to look like and how they work, backstory, other things in a trial and error re run. Any who let me explain what I'm thinking of in blank notes I made. And it's on the topic of their ninpo type deal. So here we go.
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So for a little background, I have a rottmnt AU going on with lots of characters, from comics or ocs, and I've introduced my sona in the comic. Their ninpo had been a blank subject for me but I have the right way of working around it now. Okay.
The history of their ninpo:
It started with Hamato Yurei, Karai's younger sister in the time line, when they were three and unlocked their ninpo abilities. She died two days before she turned 12 from a murderer from a town who thought she was a bad omen. At this time Karai was in a hard place and became overwhelmed with the emotions of the loss of her sister. After a few days of denial and anger she began the bargaining stage of the grief stages.
She began to pray to the family spirits to give her another chance at a new life, being very emotional she didn't explain how. Though the prayer was answered, it was answered another way of what she wanted. Yurei had the ability to go through the two worlds of the after life and real world as a wandering spirit. With this she could give her ninpo to a new person as a blessing. Though when that person died she had to choose a new one until the earth died. Giving a completely different DNA to people who she saw worthy of it, the DNA matched with the DNA of the current generation of Hamatos.
Karai didn't know her prayers were answered and worked through the grieving process and found herself at peace with her death. She didn't find out what happened until the battle with Shredder finished as she made her way to the Hamato spirit realm meeting her younger sister again and having a nice sit down conversation about it.
Drawing of her and her spirit form
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Some basic information you need to you about it is
1.) It is a mystic ninpo that can be passed down only by Yurei
2.) The structure of the next person's DNA changed to the newest generation no matter what
3.) The way the ninpo comes out depends on the person it lives inside (like the way it works/work)
4.) Appearance can change as well but only the wings, horns, and tail appear everytime
5.) When the holder passes away they can join the Hamato spirits or see what the next holder is going to do, but they can always go back and forth
6.) The holder can talk to the Hamato spirits but almost always it's going to be a past holder (recent or not)
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We all know who Anne Frank (or Billie) is in the story and I have made a line of events that's going to happen so let me introduce you to the new holder soon, Kansas.
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Kansas was left on the streets as a small child and lived with a yokai who traveled the streets learning lots of things from them in only two years. This is the older version of them but they got the ninpo when they were only two. Though in the bad future Anne was the one who got it the timeline changed as soon as Casey and the others went back into time.
(updated look of Anne Frank down below)
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A little history about the yellow flowers, Yurei's favorite flower was the yellow daylily and would usually wear them in her hair. With that the yellow flowers attached to them when she turned into the spirit she is now. So with every new holder, after they pass away or go into a dream state/spirit world they have yellow day lilies attached to their hair at all times. With Billie, they took the yellow flower look into the world they were in with their shadow based ninpo, they were shadow objects.
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Any who, that's all the information I have on them so far and I hope you guys like them.
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renon4224 · 1 year ago
WIP 19: Wanderlust
[A/N: There is no descriptive nudity, but there are two females who undress mostly in front of each other, they are NOT lesbian or bi, they are not interested in each other, the scene was based off of a sibling thing that happened a while ago.]
Chapter Two
Teasea glanced at the horse that Lili called her own, then back to Lili's smiling face, the events of their earlier conversation coming back to her. The pirate claim... it seemed so hard to believe. But then again, everything that had happened in the past few days seemed hard to believe. She just nodded, trying to shake off her doubts, and turned back to the road ahead of them, her horse picking up speed as they went. 
The girls travelled for hours until they saw the port city of Osya, it was still fairly close to Teasea’s home but she hoped that she wouldn’t be recognised. She’d never been strutted around the cities like Bast had…
“Can I go with you this time Mummy?” Teasea asked, twirling around with her mother’s hand on her head.
“Not this time, darling. We need to show Quver what the future king looks like.” Queen Anastasia said, once again.
“But why can’t I come?” Teasea pouted, pulling on her mother’s gold-rimmed dress.
The queen finally looked away from her mirror at her young daughter, a pang of sadness shot through her, she wanted to bring her, but Edmis would be horrified at the thought, “Because,” She leaned down to caress the girl’s cheek, “A pretty girl like you would distract everyone.” The queen kissed Teasea’s forehead, “Now, run along, Mummy has things to do.”
“Y’good there Pri Pri?” Liliana asked, Teasea nodded, Lili’s voice taking herself out of the bitter past, Tea couldn’t afford to think of the good times.
“Yes. I was just… thinking.” Tea shrugged, petting her horse.
“Thinkin’ bout what?” Lili asked again, she was tired of the silence. After a moment, she gasped, “Where ya gonna go after Osya?”
Teasea stared at the white-haired girl, “I… I’m not sure…”
“Well, y’could always come sailin with me, I’ve been lookin to go back to the sea fer a while here.” Lili continued, listing all the lovely qualities of life at sea until Teasea interrupted her.
“Fine. Sure, I’ll go, just please stop talking.” Teasea saw Lili flinch, she bit her lip, was she too harsh? Either way, Lili just nodded and didn’t speak until they were at city borders.
“Halt. What’s your business in Osya?” A young guard, probably somewhere between late teens and early twenties by Teasea’s guess.
“It’s me, Simon! Lil Bear!” Lili giggled, handing me her reins before dismounting to hug the guard, who immediately stiffened.
Simon's eyes blew wide as he recognised Lili, though he quickly regained his composure, "Miss Lili, your presence here is... not expected. You're banned from entering Osya."
Lili's smile turned into a glare. "Oh, is that so??" She stepped closer to Simon. "But I really wanted to see y’later…” Lili batted her lashes up at the burly man, her arms still around his neck.
The guard shifted uncomfortably, his hands tightly wrapped around the hilt of his sword, “You understand my position, Miss Lili..." He grumbled, clearly not happy with this turn of events.
Lili just grinned up at him, batting her eyelashes. "Oh, c'mon. Jus’ let me in. I promise I won't cause any trouble this time… I even have a friend!" She nodded at Teasea who sat there shocked at Lili’s complete change of character.
Simon looked at his partner, their eyes moving between the girl’s before the other guard sighed and Simon smiled, “Alright, you two don’t get into any more trouble, alright?” 
Lili smirked, placing a kiss on Simon’s cheek, before remounting her horse, “I promise on my honour.” And she led Teasea through the gates.
“You have no honour Lil Bear.” Tea heard Simon yell at their backs. Lili wound them through many twisting streets and past dead ends until they came to an inn. The town's streets were busy, and Teasea remembered idly that it had been Monday when Bast went away. Two days from that… Wednesday? People were hurrying back and forth.
Lili rode calmly, though she kept an eye out for any guards who may want to challenge her presence. “So, what’s with the bloody chain?”
Teasea looked down, realising with slight horror at how bloody the chain actually was, “It got dirty.” Lili made a humming sound but didn’t argue. 
Lili chuckled when she saw the sign above the entrance. "The Blue Bear Inn, welcome to my not-home home." She exclaimed. She climbed off her horse, tying it to a post outside, gesturing Teasea to follow her. The Blue Bear Inn was bustling, several patrons already drinking and several more waiting to be seated. As Lili made her way through the crowd, she received several glances and a few comments from men. Lili ignored their comments and headed to the bar. Teasea followed closely behind, noting the men's gazes, “So, where’s Father Bear?” Lili asked the barkeep.
“Right here Lil Bear.” And a very large man came out from a door behind the bar, enveloping Lili in a hug.
“Father Bear! Could we get someone to look afta our horses fer the night? We’d been ridin fer a long time, Father Bear.” Lili giggled when Father Bear spun her around, snapping and a small peasant boy went to cater the horses outside.
"Of course, Lili. You know I would always be happy to put your horses up." His voice was deep and rough, but soft as he spoke to Lili. “So, who’s your friend here?” Father bear looked at Teasea.
“That’s Pri Pri, but her real name is Prisea, so I calls ‘er Pri Pri.” Lili rattled off, turning back to Bear, “Now then Father Bear, can we get a room? Pri Pri’s tired an I don’t think she’ll be any good on a boat with no sleep.” The patrons at the bar glance at the unusual way Lili speaks about her friend, but are otherwise too busy getting drunk to pay attention.
Father Bear laughed. "Of course, Lil Bear. I'll take care of finding a room for you two, so enjoy your rest." One of his assistants handed Lili a room key, and Lili pocketed it without even looking at the number. She smiled back at her "father" and lead Teasea up the stairs.
Once they were inside the room Teasea looked at Lili warily, “Is he really your father?”
“Taught me how ta fend for myself." Teasea noticed the small smile on Lili's face as she spoke about Father Bear. Despite her rebellious nature and disregard for rules, maybe she wasn’t completely unreasonable after all, “Anyways, c’mon, yer gonna wanna change into better clothes than that, Pri Pri. It’s a Thursday night, afta all.” 
Thursday? Had an entire day passed when she was trying those knots? Teasea looked down at her completely ruined evening gown, her underclothes were barely showing from under what used to be a beautiful azure knee length dress. “What’s wrong with this?” Teasea thought she looked ugly, like some peasant girls she’d seen from the courtyard.
“No, Pri Pri, you look like a noble, pirates hate nobles, that’s how it works. Strip.” Teasea looked at Liliana in horror, she’d never undressed in front of a stranger because she wanted to… “Not like that, Pri Pri, I’m not gonna hurt cha. I jus need ya dress so I can fix it.” 
Teasea’s shoulders hunched and her nose scrunched slightly, “Fine. But you have to turn around.” Lili laughed, but turned around. Tea quickly undressed, before running to one of the beds and pulling the blanket to cover herself.
Lili burst out laughing as she turned back around, clearly amused by Teasea's reaction. "My, my. Yer embarrassed to be seen naked by me, huh?" She looked Teasea up and down, taking note of her figure. "Ya should really have more confidence in yer body, Pri Pri. It ain't that pretty, but I've seen far worse."
“Just fix the dress.” Teasea spat. She didn’t want to hear what Lili had to say.
Lili smirked and walked over to the bed, taking the skirt of the dress and examining it closely. "Yer so cold, Pri Pri... What's yer problem? Don't women round here have more confidence in their looks? Are they not comfortable sharing their bodies with the world?" She continued to tease Teasea, making it clear that her words were intended to provoke a reaction.
Tea just huffed, ignoring her words. Lili rolled her eyes, but she worked on the dress, taking out the thinner mostly white lining and setting it aside, ripping the hem on the dress so it would ride up to Teasea’s midthigh. Lili frowned as she worked on the skirt of the dress, cutting and stitching to make it shorter. "Why do ya wear this, anyway? It's not in style anymore. It's all about those dresses that hug the curves, y’know?" She gestured with one arm, mimicking the look of a woman who is wearing a fashionable dress. She turned back to the dress. "Do ya even have a figure to show off?" She tilted her head and gave Teasea a sly grin. When Tea didn’t respond Lili grabbed one of her leggings, “Put those on and give me yer corset.” 
Teasea looked down at the leggings, then to Lili. "I'm not gonna wear those."
“Unless you want a mean pirate to slit your throat while we’re here, I suggest y’put those on.” Lili’s accent made her words sound almost sweet. Teasea took the leggings and rolled her eyes, taking a seat to put them on. She seemed to be trying hard to ignore Lili's words, but there was an uneasy look on her face. Lili watched her, tapping her foot as Teasea pulled on the leggings, "C'mon, Pri Pri, where's that corset? I ain't gonna wait all night." 
“I’ve never taken off my own corset.” Tea said softly, she was flush with embarrassment, she’d always had handmaidens to do it for her.
Lili looked at Teasea “Seriously? Alright, I'll do it, hold still." She stepped closer and began to unbuckle the corset. "Next time, y’should learn to dress and undress yerself. It's a crucial skill for any woman."
Teasea nodded, a deep breath escaping her once the pressure of her too-tight corset was released.
“You aight there Pri Pri?” Lili asked, going back to work on the dress.
“Of course I am.” Teasea snapped. Lili looked hurt, but Tea didn’t say anything until Lili finished with the dress and was handing it back to Teasea.
Lili smiled as she finished fixing the dress for Teasea, handing it to her. Tea put on the dress, looking in the mirror of the small room. Not bad, she thought, but not exactly her style, either. "My, my! Look at you!" Lili walked over to Teasea and pulled at the dress, adjusting how it fit. "There we go. Now ya look like a proper pirate!" Both girls smiled at each other before returning downstairs, to a medley of songs being sung by beautiful girls giving the patrons of the Blue Bear their orders.
The patrons were having a great time, listening to the song and drinking in celebration. Some had already finished their drinks and were now very drunk, singing along with the band in slurred voices. The band smiled at Lili as she took a seat, playing a lively song in her honor. "Hey, it's Lil Bear!" One of the patrons yelled. "I didn't know you were back in the Blue Bear!! Welcome back!"
“Aww, thank ya! Blue Bear, welcome my new friend, Prisea!” And with that, she pulled Teasea on top of the bar.
Teasea's face flushed as she was suddenly yanked up on top of the bar. The patrons cheered, clapping loudly, and yelling as Lili grabbed Teasea's hand and forced her to raise it in celebration.
One of the patrons yelled out, "Drink with us, Lil Bear! For the new face here."
Lili laughed, pointing at the band who began another tune, the other girl matched beat for beat, dancing around the tables before stepping to the floor and dancing with the patrons, everyone seemed enlivened by her performance, and Tea slid down into a seat, thankful for Lili bringing the attention away from her. “Excuse me, may I please have a drink?” She asked.
“What can I get fer ya little lady?” Father Bear asked in return, wiping the bar where Teasea’s shoes had been.
“Oh… I’m not sure, what do you recommend?” Tea had never had to know the names of what she wanted, that was for Bast to know, since he would be king.
“How about Faerie’s Kiss, for a pretty little thing like you?” He said, grabbing a bottle with some sort of shimmery drink inside. Teasea nodded, “On the house.” Father Bear smiled. And Teasea took a sip.
She continued sipping her drink until Lili said it was time to go. She managed to get an entire bottle of Faerie’s Kiss all to herself, she remembered taking off her boots and laying down to sleep.
Teasea sighed, she loved studying, and her tutors never scolded her, but today she was bored. She wanted to spar with Sebastian, or go riding, or even, like she’d been trying to since she could talk, go on publicity walks with her mother. Her father was overseeing today’s lesson, Tea reminded herself.
“Teasea May, are you paying attention?” Her father asked, as though to solidify the girl’s thoughts.
“Yes, Father.”
“Then what did Mister Palacio just say.” Edmis asked, like he’d done with every ‘educational’ visit.
“Girls must know simple mathematics. After all, queens have to be trusted with kingdoms while kings are at war. Which means that when you marry next year, you will be expected to know how to run the simple parts of the kingdom, your future currency is, once again, going to be Crowns. Oh, and Palacio said ‘crowns’ with a hint of disgust since he really doesn’t like Emerald Isles-”
“That’s good for now, Teasea May.” Edmis said, the ever-prsent scowl lightening for a moment before he left.
Father… liked that? Teasea’s mind spun, if he liked her knowing things, then she could probably get him to pay attention to her if she did well in her studies, right?
“Wrong.” Sebastian said, for the hundredth time, “Father doesn’t care about us. He just wants to make sure you don’t make a fool of him with that Prince Niklas.” Teasea shrugged off his words.
“Listen kiddo, I need you to turn around, okay? I know you’re scared, it’s gonna be okay? Just put a little faith in your prince.” Teasea stood there, helpless, her brother was going to die, it was happening all over again, he hadn’t even done anything. Why did Father want him dead? Why did Father want her to kill him? Why? Bast took her sword, he didn’t have to try, it fell from her grasp easily enough. Teasea heard the clink of her hand-made chain, sword, chain… it was at his throat. She tried to turn around-
@fakegingerrights @conquerius37 @sunrisemcash @wolves-write-in-moonlight @gummybugg Chapter One
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years ago
Best I Ever Had | L.Hughes
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Summary; solely based off “set it up” because that’s my favourite movie ever. It’s actually only based on one scene the rest I made up lol.
pairings: luke hughes x fem!reader, mark estapa x fem!reader, umich hockey x fem!reader (platonic)
I don’t like how I ended this but I couldn’t think of anything else.
Barging in through the front door you heard everyone shouting at one another.
You stopped in the doorway looking at the boys arguing over something while the TV still had static
“I gave you one job, have the game on before I got here and you don’t have the game on!”
The yelled ceased and they all turned to you, smiling “We can’t figure out the remote”
You sighed, snatching the remote from Mark’s hand and fiddling around with the buttons until the game finally appeared.
“Did you guys get food?” You asked, jacket being discarded onto the floor. There were an array of mumbles before Ethan spoke
“Yeah I put yours on the table in the kitchen” you smiled a thank you before off to retrieve the food, making your way back and throwing yourself into the tiny space of the armchair Mark sat on, your legs cascading over his lap while he used your shins as a makeshift table for his plate.
While everyone was eating and watching the pre-game highlights your eyes cast over the room, eyebrows furrowing when you noticed something missing.
“Hey, where’s Luke?” You felt Mark still underneath you, everyone else doing the same.
They all looked at one another before Duke said “He’s on a date”
Your heart fell, and consciously you tried not to let it show on your face “Oh- who with?”
“You know that girl from our marketing class?”
“Lily?” “Yeah, her”
Lily was pretty, she was the typical ‘NHL wag’ type. You hadn’t spoken to her much but you saw her around in class and at games, she would always interrupt conversations with the boys to go on about how much she just ‘loved’ hockey and when you would so innocently say
“Oh, we’re looking for more people to join the girls team actually!” She would snarl and reply with a snarky “no thanks”
You could see the faces of the boys looking at you with pity. You wanted to attention away from you and your feelings so announced
“Ok anyone wanna place a bet? I’m on Jersey winning 4-2”
Everyone started yelling out their bets, wagering money on it and you felt Mark lean in closer behind your ear before he whispered
“He’s not worth getting upset over, he was stupid to pick her over you”
The game finished, jersey winning 4-2 over Pittsburgh and you went home a lot richer that night. You had helped Nick and Jimmy cleaning up the kitchen from the takeout you got when Luke got home, you saw him come in with a smile on his face walking straight up stairs not for a second registering your presence in the house.
You slipped out after you heard his bedroom door shut, not saying so much as a goodbye to the boys that were downstairs.
The days following Luke’s first date you didn’t see him much. You’d hung around with the team, saw him in passing and he spoke to you briefly in class but nothing like normal.
Luke hadn’t noticed the lack of you in his life for the influx in Lily, but everyone else had.
When Quinn would call he’d ask about you but was met with answers like “Oh I don’t know where she is”
And Jack had come to Detroit for an away game asking Luke to dinner, expecting you to join as you always did but instead Luke had brought Lily.
The team had noticed the change, the lack of you around. You hadn’t really been around much, not at the house or at games.
The year progressed on and your presence became less and less - in Luke’s life.
As for the rest of them, a few months after you’d began distancing yourself from the team Mark had come over to your apartment.
You ended up confiding in him, completely coming clean of all your feelings for Luke and how much this relationship he had with Lily was breaking you inside.
Mark had brought you back to the group, hanging around with you more, being your shoulder to cry on and generally just being your friend. Although you definitely got a couple “Boyfriend stealer” jokes from Eddy.
You didn’t feel as sad anymore, while Luke was not easy to replace in your life you realised that there was happiness in other things.
While Luke hadn’t given anything a second thought.
You began to show up at games again, no longer sporting #43 but some array of other numbers - mainly #94 but sometimes the others would get jealous and you’d be given a #73, #22 or a #34 in there.
That wasn’t missed by Luke, he was so used to seeing you in his jersey and the one time he had to use it because he had lost his other one you wore Quinn’s jersey because
“It still says Hughes and it’s still forty-three so nothing changes!”
When Spring break came around Luke had plans to head out to California with the rest of you - to the Brisson’s but Lily had other plans.
She had begged and begged for him to ask his brothers for their lake house. While it wasn’t peak time for the lake she still wanted in. So he did, like a good boyfriend would and although the brothers were confused why he wasn’t with his friends they let him nevertheless.
Lily had thrown a week long rager. She had invited her friends and their boyfriends along with a bunch of random students and mass majority of the football team had shown up.
Luke was miserable.
He had watched over the week on social media, videos of you out to nice sit down dinners where you dressed up, hiking up the Hollywood sign and spending time at the beach.
He had watched you slowly but surely appear on Mark’s socials more and more over the week and the little green monster within him was growing.
He just wanted his friends. He didn’t want to be here.
After the break you noticed Luke around more. He was trying to speak to you, like old times.
“What are you doing tonight?” You looked up, shocked to find him speaking to you in your business class.
“Um Mark and I are gonna check out that new arcade like twenty minutes away, why?”
You could swear you saw his face drop when you said if “No, no nothing I was just gonna ask if you wanted to come over and watch the game with me”
You gave a soft smile “Yeah sorry Luke, maybe Lily will come watch with you! I mean, it’s her future in-laws right?” You joked.
It was a tradition you two would watch the few devils vs Canucks games in the year both siding with a brother and betting on the game. All the Hughes’ joined in from across the country on the bet and you were a lucky one to be included in the family.
“Yeah I guess..”
At the arcade you’d used every quarter you had, getting beaten on most games you played “at least let me win one!”
“No because then my ego will deflate!” “Oh and you need your ego inflated that much?”
You closed in on Mark’s personal space, smiles on both your faces “Nah, my ego’s pretty inflated knowing I’m out with the prettiest girl in Michigan tonight”
His eyes flickered between your eyes and lips, you knew he was thinking about it and so you just hit the bullet and leaned up to kiss him.
He made a noise of surprise but soon reciprocated into the kiss, when you pulled away you both had dopey smiles on your faces
“I-uh wow” “Yeah, wow”
You’d stayed the rest of the night, holding hands, being close and for the first time in a long time you felt genuinely happy.
When you’d arrived back at the boys place you found everyone still watching the game, only ten minutes left in the third.
The door shutting had caught everyone’s attention and they all turned to see you both standing in the doorway, your hand in his and your head resting on his shoulder while you both stared at the TV.
Eddy gave Mark a thumbs up and a stupid grin while Luke stared daggers in the side of Mark’s head.
The game finished with Canuck’s winning and Quinn scoring the winning goal “haha, I’ll have to text the group chat and tell them I won this year! Actually I think me and your grandma have to split it”
Luke’s eyebrows furrowed “Huh?”
“Oh yeah, did you not see my message in the family group chat? I said Quinn was gonna score the winner and nucks would win! I think it was grandma penny who said that too”
“You - you’re in my family group chat?” You looked confused, unsure how he didn’t know this.
“Yeah Luke your mom added me a couple weeks back”
He pulled out his phone to see, his family group chat had been silenced all the notifications waiting for him. Most of his group chats had been silenced, all showing notifications along with your chats.
You brushed over the conversation with Luke, being spoken to by Dylan now.
Luke observed you both, how you were still holding hands and how your thumb rubbed soothing circles over the back of Mark’s hand.
In the weeks following you and Mark got closer while Luke felt isolated being with Lily all the time.
She’d began asking him questions about the NHL, his salary, what money he would make in the big leagues and all about his brothers.
Luke didn’t really think much about it - he just wanted to be a good boyfriend, impress his girlfriend so he told her the figures, the salary, the wow factors of being with a hockey player.
He missed out all the bad parts. All the things you had endured in your years of being by his side.
The staying up with him while he rewatched game tapes figuring out where he went wrong, like the game rested on his shoulders. The constant travel for games and the no sleep, the getting up before the sun, the utter heartbreak of loosing but the overwhelming emotions of winning.
He missed that all out. He missed you out.
Lily had been asking about this fancy restaurant, a five star gourmet restaurant that he had to name drop his older brothers just to get a reservation at.
He wore a suit, something he didn’t do unless he was told to for hockey or his mom told him to while Lily wore a fancy blue dress as she said
“I know it’s your favourite colour”
Luke’s favourite colour is green.
While he sat in this upright restaurant surrounded by people of no substance listening to his girlfriend drone on about her week and how ‘stressful’ it had been without letting him get a word in edgewise he couldn’t help but think about what you were doing right now.
The food arrived and the plate was mostly clear except for the tiny portion in the middle of the plate.
The dug in and Luke grimaced at the taste, Jack had made better food than this.
“This is the best meal I’ve ever had” Lily commented, taking another bite.
That sentence stopped Luke in his tracks, pausing to think.
“This is the best meal I’ve ever had” you smiled, holding up the giant pizza slice towards Luke with your dopey smile.
The two of you had snuck out from Jimmy’s 24th birthday party to get food and ended up sneaking in the back door of Yost with the pizza box and sitting in the stands eating.
You were drunk still but the two of you managed to keep it together, throwing the pizza box around and climbing over chairs before you sat
Luke watched you with admiration as you shoved the pizza slice into your mouth with a moan
“The best meal I ever had was a shitty pizza I ate in Yost” Luke blinked before looking up at Lily.
“Ok, weird”
She watched as Luke threw his chair back, grabbing his coat and bidding her a goodbye by slamming money on the table and saying “We’re breaking up”
With no time to answer he got out of there and went looking for you.
He had rushed into the house, looking around for you the boys all looked concerned at his sweaty and out of breath state “Where’s Y/N?”
“She’s in Mark’s room dude chill, are you good?”
No answer, he took the steps two at a time and turned the corridor to Mark’s room the door was open and he could see your reflection in the mirror angled on Mark’s wall.
You two were sat side by side on his bed, a pizza box open across your laps. You had a slice in your hand, taking a bite you smiled and said “This is good pizza! God, this may be the best meal I’ve ever had”
It was a simple innocent sentence that broke Luke’s heart.
“Only the best for my girl”
That twisted the knife but he was right, you were Mark’s girl now.
You were never really his.
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kuroopaisen · 4 years ago
takes one to know one || fushiguro megumi
➵ megumi just wants to buy some flowers from the nice stall attendant he definitely doesn’t have a crush on in peace. gojou has other plans.  
wc: 2.4k
warnings: gn!reader, incoherent chaos
a/n: gracie dearest this one’s for you :( you are so sweet and so lovely to me and i’m so, so glad we met in this hellscape (i would personally like to thank psycho-pass for existing) i hope i did your boy well! 
By the time he arrives at Jujutsu Tech, Megumi knows the flowers are a mistake.
“For me?” Gojou gasps, hands clasped and mouth agape in perhaps his most punchable smile. “Oh, you shouldn’t have.”
Megumi’s fist tightens around the handle of his bouquet. Today, it’s lilacs, irises and white lilies. It’s also much bigger than usual – too big to inconspicuously leave on someone’s fence or place in the school gardens.
“You can have them if you want,” he murmurs. What else is he supposed to do with them?
The delight on Gojou’s face collapses into a precarious mix of genuine confusion and insatiable curiosity. “Hah? They’re not for anyone?”
“No,” Megumi says. And if they were, I wouldn’t tell you. Although he doesn’t say that last part. Gojou would perceive it as a challenge, and the less he knew about Megumi’s private life, the better.
“So…” A grin splits Gojou’s face. “The person you bought them from must be special, then.” 
Megumi freezes for just a second. But he knows a second is enough for Gojou to glean all the information he needs.  
“Ah,” Gojou hums. “I see.”
“No, you don’t,” Megumi mumbles, well-aware of the heat rising in his cheeks.
“But why would you go out of your way to buy a bouquet of flowers, hm?” Gojou grins, shit-eating grin back on his face. “They don’t hand these out for free, you know.”
Megumi’s grip is so firm he’s scared he’ll crush the stems.
Although, he still doesn’t know what he’s going to do with them. It doesn’t feel right to throw them out – not when you’d spent time putting it together – but he wasn’t about to revamp his room with a distinctly floral accent.
Is it against social protocol to give the flowers back to you? Not now, of course, but maybe on his evening walk… or tomorrow morning…
He still doesn’t know why he didn’t just walk past you that first day.
But something about the way you were gazing out into the street, eyes wide and hopeful as you watched people ignore you on their daily commute… something about that drew him in.
And once he’d bought something from you once – just a small flower, one he didn’t know the name of, but seemed appropriate behind a cute girl’s ear – he couldn’t very well start ignoring you.
Not when your smile is so bright, your eyes sparkling with gratitude whenever he takes whatever floral arrangement you’ve lovingly bundled together out of your hands.
But now he’s paying the price – in more ways than one.
✧ ✧ ✧
Your flower stall is just a few feet away from one of the trendiest cafes in this area of Tokyo, and whoever oversees your little operation is obviously trying to capitalise on that. Setting up so early must be an attempt to catch the rush of bleary-eyed corporate workers craving their necessary morning coffee.
What use an office worker has for flowers, Megumi doesn’t know. But he has a feeling that you’d probably say something along the lines of “it’ll help brighten the place up.”
As usual, you’re waiting there patiently, eyes hopefully scanning the streets for any potential customers. Your face positively lights up when you finally catch sight of him – something that still makes Megumi nearly trip over his own feet.
“Good morning!” You call out, waving to him.
Megumi raises a hand in response, shuffling towards you with all the embarrassment of a high schooler on their way to their first date.
“Can I interest you in a floral arrangement on this fine Saturday morning?” You grin, eyes twinkling as you make your marketing pitch.
“Sure,” Megumi sighs, scanning the vast array of flowers currently on display. He’s getting better at picking them out, but he still can’t name any of them on sight.
You wait patiently, hands folded on the counter. If you think he’s an idiot, you keep it to yourself.
“Those ones,” he says, pointing at a group of blue heart-shaped flowers.
“The morning glories?” You ask reflexively, reaching over to pluck a bunch out of their display.
“Yeah,” Megumi shrugs. He has no idea what a morning glory is. The term sounds like something Gojou and Yuji would snicker at.
“They’re gorgeous,” you smile, taking a moment to admire them.
“Yeah,” Megumi says again.
Flowers aren’t really his thing; God help him if he was ever asked what his favourite kind was. But there’s no point in saying any of that – not when he’s already spent an embarrassing amount of money at this one stall.
“You’re keeping the business afloat, you know,” you giggle, as if reading his mind.
Megumi blinks at you. “Really?”
“Mhm,” you nod. “It wouldn’t be amiss to say you’re our most important patron.” You beam at him, same sparkle in your eyes as always.
He’d be furious, if you weren’t so nice.
How is he supposed to focus when you’re looking at him like that? How’s he supposed to ask who ‘we’ is? A business partner? A partner partner?
But you look so young. You can’t possibly be running a business. But you might have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. Or both. Or a partner of an otherwise non-binary gender.
Too many questions, no social capacity to ask them.
“So,” Megumi begins, his voice calm and composed as ever. His mind, however, is scrambling around like a fast-food joint at rush hour, trying to string together a sentence that’s not only coherent but also fascinating.
“How old are you?”
It’s the forbidden question. Or, at least, that’s what people always say. People, in this case, is Gojou. It usually is.
You seem unbothered. “I turn seventeen this year.”
Was it only a forbidden question for people who’re older? But in that case, surely knowing someone’s age was pertinent for the whole ‘respect’ thing. Maybe Gojou just didn’t think he should ever ask anyone’s age because then he’s not beholden to honorifics.
But Megumi can’t imagine him using them properly anyway.
That’s not the point. The point is that you’re the same age as him. You weren’t somehow twenty-seven with a baby face.
“Oh,” Megumi nods. “Me too.”
The smile you give him is almost unbearable. How is it even more of a smile than your usual smile? That doesn’t make any sense.
There’s a certain excitement bubbling in his gut that he doesn’t recognise or like.
Wait, if you’re his age, then…
“Do you not go to school on Saturdays?” He asks.
Is this conversation too dry? He’s not sure. He doesn’t usually make an effort at this sort of thing.
“My school doesn’t have classes on Saturday mornings,” you smile, meticulously wrapping brown paper around the stems of a set of particularly bright morning glories. You always do it so delicately; where on earth do you find the patience?
There’s something… graceful, about how you go about it. Sure, it’s your job, but Megumi still enjoys watching you work because—
“Hello there!”
Megumi knows that voice.
Oh no.
“Hello!” You fold your hands in front of you and give your new customer a bow. But your usual smile has been replaced with an expression of middling confusion as you look him up and down.
Megumi doesn’t need to turn around to know who’s standing behind him.
“Who’d’ve thought there’d be so many kinds of flowers in bloom, huh?” Gojou grins, slinging a lanky arm around Megumi’s shoulders.
Megumi glances to the side.
A pair of startingly blue eyes peek at him from behind black shades.
“What are you doing here?” He asks through gritted teeth.
“Oh, I thought I’d just come out for a morning stroll,” Gojou sighs, gesturing to the sky. “Don’t you think it’s gorgeous?”
Megumi’s ready to commit a murder.
“And look at all these flowers!” Gojou exclaims, bending down to peer at some asters closely. “Did you grow them all yourself?”
“Of course not,” you laugh. “I just sell them.”
Jealous maybe isn’t the right word. But there is a twisting in Megumi’s gut upon the realisation that within minutes of meeting you, Gojou had made you laugh. Megumi, on the other hand, was yet to do that.
“Well, either way, my student is a big fan,” Gojou smirks, shaking Megumi’s shoulder. Megumi’s soul is currently leaving his body.
“I was just telling him that he’s our most valued customer,” you smile, tilting your head at the pair of them.
“Ah, is that so?” Gojou grins. It’s amazing, really, how he manages to capture all the terror of the apocalypse in one smile. “I never really took him as a flower guy.”
“Everyone’s a flower guy, sir,” you tsk, shaking your head. “Even you.”
Gojou places an affronted hand on his chest. “So quick to make assumptions!”
“Not at all,” you smile. “You’d be surprised by what our customer base looks like.”
“You don’t say,” Gojou grins, turning to Megumi.
Megumi considers the consequences of punching Gojou right in the nether regions. He doubts he’d be punished for it by the higher ups; if anything, he’ll probably be rewarded. Maybe even pushed up a grade for his invaluable service.
Oh no.
Megumi’s eyes widen ever so slightly. His head whips round to Gojou. His teacher is already looking straight at him.
“Ah,” Gojou grins. “I told Yuji to meet me here this morning.” The glint in his eyes strikes terror right through Megumi’s departing soul.
Sure enough, Itadori barrels his way towards them, damn near colliding against Megumi with a ‘thump’.
Megumi can do something but stare into the abyss, hoping, wishing, praying this is just a nightmare.
Unfortunately, it’s not.
You give the newest addition to this strange little posse a customary bow. “Good morning!”
Itadori beams at you, his entire face lighting up. “Good morning!”
A strange panic starts to rise from Megumi’s gut. If he thought about it, you and Itadori would get along well. Too well.
Thoughts of you and Itadori walking hand in hand down the street as you laugh, Itadori offering you his coat on a clod morning as you blush, Itadori walking you home, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully as you lean towards him and –
Megumi blinks the thoughts away. What is wrong with him today?
You and Itadori have just met. And what was it to Megumi anyway? It’s not like he—
“Megumi?” Itadori tilts his head at him.
Megumi stares back blankly. “Hm?”
“I wanted to know how you found this place,” Itadori asks, voice bright but with the uncertain quality inherent to repeating oneself.
“Oh,” Megumi murmurs. “Well, I…”
In truth, he doesn’t remember. He just saw you one morning and decided to approach. He still doesn’t know why. But he doesn’t regret it.
“I roped him in with my charm,” you piqued up, picking up the lull in conversation.
Try as he might, Megumi just can’t concentrate. Itadori’s pressed against him, Gojou’s still got his arm slung around his shoulder, and—
“Ah, Nobara’s here!” Gojou beams, waving a hand over his head.
“What are you doing here of all places?” Nobara frowns, raising an eyebrow at Megumi. “I wouldn’t have taken this as your sort of scene.”
If there’s a hell, Megumi’s sure it’s this.
Conversation is bubbling around him but none of it is registering in his mind, he can see Nobara’s dissatisfied look as she takes in the situation at hand but he doesn’t have the energy to retort, Gojou is playing with the petals of one of the display flowers but Megumi knows he’s not going to buy it and—
“Hey, Megumi?”
He snaps back to reality at the sound of your voice, gentle and concerned.
“Are you alright?” You ask, tilting your head to the side. It’s as if you’re completely ignoring the rabble, as if you see him and only him.
Next to him Gojou, Yuji and Nobara watch with rapt attention.
“Yeah,” he lies. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”
You frown at you look at him. Something flashes in your eyes and you suddenly duck beneath your countertop.
Megumi and his gaggle of fools blink in surprise.
In a moment you hop back up, something purple bundled up in your hands. “Here,” you smile, handing it out to him, “this is supposed to help you sleep.”
One whiff and he knows it’s lavender.
“How much?” Megumi asks.
You shake your head. “Oh, no. It’s on me.”
Megumi’s heart flutters as you smile. Despite the chaos going on around him, despite the fact that he knows he’s going to be mocked for this for weeks to come, he’s grateful.
“Sorry about this…” he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s fine,” you giggle, shaking your head.
Megumi feels Gojou chuckle quietly, his chest rattling. Itadori is unusually quiet and Nobara seems moments away from a laughing fit.
“I should go,” Megumi says quickly and suddenly. He doesn’t give you time to respond, zipping down the street as fast as his feet can carry him. He needs a shower and then a run and then he needs to beat a training dummy up and then—
“Wait, Megumi!”
He freezes in his tracks. That’s… your voice.
And around his wrist is… is…
He turns to look at you over his shoulder, eyes darting for where you hand wraps around his wrist. Why is his heart racing so absurdly fast? Why does it feel like his head’s about to explode? You’re just holding his wrist. You’re not even touching his skin. Not that it matters—
“Will I see you tomorrow?” You ask, not quite able to meet his gaze.
It brings him back to the moment.
“Of course,” Megumi answers reflexively.
You finally lift your eyes up. They seem to be sparkling. “I look forward to it.”
Before he even has time to process it you’ve let him go and trotted back to your stall, tending to your flowers as if nothing’d happened.
This has been too much embarrassment for one day. He’s not entirely sure what’s going on and he’s not sure he wants to know. But man, he needs at least several hours alone to process everything.
As Megumi shuffles away, Gojou bounds after him, still grinning like a fool.
“So, Megumi’s got himself a—”
Megumi elbows him in the stomach before Gojou even has a chance to finish his sentence.
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early20sfailingplenty · 3 years ago
A moment like this // Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader (’you’ used).
After today’s conversation with @imbleedin-out​, I got inspired to write out the daydream I had last night while I was falling asleep as an expansion on what we talked about!🥰💞 I’ve never written for Vincent before, this is my first time. I’d like to thank Lily profusely for inadvertently teaching me so much of what I know about all three Sinclair brothers, for being so kind and lovely, warm and welcoming, and I hope you like this!!!💖🙏
General note: This is pure self-indulgent fluff, sorry not sorry. I’ve tried to keep Vinny as in character as possible, but please be aware that I’ve only seen HOW once and everything else is based off of all the beautiful fics I’ve read over the last few weeks; so apologies for any acts out of character!🌸 There are also Bo and Lester mentions in here because 🥺 and I’m sorry if they’re out of character too oml ~ 😩 As far as I know, there’s no coded language!!! I’m always very vague about physical descriptions of Y/N, to be as inclusive as possible!💗
I don’t think there are any content warnings but if you see something I’ve missed, please let me know!💜 I’m happy to tag, make corrections, etc.🥰💞 There is some darkness right at the end! He is a Sinclair!💖
Summary: After a long, hard day, you’re lying on the twin bed down in Vincent’s workspace and like the call of a siren is he lured into joining you. Neither of you want to be anywhere other than here, in each other’s minds and hearts. What are the long days for, if not for nights like this?
Word count: 982.
(His mocking (curious?) head tilts please I beg😩 He’s so beautiful it hurts😩 Wanna climb into his lap and give him lots of kisses🥺💖).
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You groaned in appreciation as you allowed yourself to flop down on the twin bed in Vincent’s workspace. There was no dignity in the way you let gravity take control of your body, but you were too tired to care about how you may have looked. Between running around Ambrose doing odd jobs which Bo had mentioned offhandedly, going into the next town over to carry out some essential errands with Lester (you needed a ride and he loved spending time with you so it was a win-win, though he was also your only insurance out of Ambrose, or Bo wouldn’t let you leave), your own responsibilities, the dinner you had cooked, the kitchen you had cleaned... you were exhausted.
You thought you heard a quiet muffled huff of amusement from the man sculpting at the table several feet away from you, and a small, soft smile spread across your face even as your eyes fluttered closed and your body melted into the mattress. Oh, how you loved him. Vincent hadn’t looked at you when you had come in, but you knew that he was aware of every breath, every movement, every sigh... his every nerve was wired to you, and it was only a testament of how well you knew him that you were aware of that one simple fact: Vincent was always aware of you. Most especially when you thought he wasn’t.
He always found you at your most beautiful when you didn’t know he was watching you.
You felt uncomfortable in the way you had landed, so you rolled onto your back, one hand resting on your stomach and the other arm outstretched into the vacant space beside you. The classical music which Vincent was listening to was on low (pre-emptively had he turned it down upon hearing you descend the stairs, so aware was he of his surroundings) and the various candles scattered around cast a low light across the room. Shadows danced across the walls and the orange glow was so soft that you felt yourself growing sleepier as the moments passed, marked only by your own breathing and the faint sounds of Vincent’s own. 
You were lulled into your threshold consciousness and there did you remain until a shadow fell over your body. You opened your eyes to see Vincent stood at the foot of his bed, his head tilted and his long dark hair hanging across his masked face as he gazed at you. You smiled at the sight of him, your heart squeezing so hard in your chest that it hurt in the best way, and wiggled the fingers dangling gracefully over the bed.
Join me?
Vincent looked at you for a few seconds longer and you could hear his question as surely as if he had spoken it verbally. You had more to say, but you were so tired that you could only find the energy to say, “c’mere”. Your eyes slipped closed as you felt Vincent move (for you were just as aware of him as he was of you) and then the mattress beside you dipped as he eased himself down beside you. Slowly, slowly, did he lower his head to rest upon your outstretched arm. He hesitated for reasons you weren’t fully aware of, though you suspected it was because you were his first romantic experience (and his last, if either of you got your way), though by no means was he innocent despite his clear uncertainty. The detailing on his sculptures of the female form could attest to that. You smiled once again. All you ever seemed to do was smile when you were around Vincent, as if his very existence was the string attached to each corner of your lips. 
You curled your hand up so that you could play with his hair. It was badly tangled, the tips crusty and dry with wax which had clumped up as he had worked, and though you weren’t stroking the roots of his dark hair, you knew that they were greasy. He was in desperate need of a shower, but that could be your mission for later on. For right now, you only wanted to bask in the love which you shared. Indeed, he loved you just as much, and the pleased hum you heard from behind the mask as you continued to stroke his hair told you just as much, as did the way his arm wound around your waist, like a boa constrictor could he be. Vincent tugged himself closer to you, wanting more of everything. Your touch, your scent, your voice... Vincent always wanted more of you, addicted to you was he. Even when he had you, he wanted more.
“‘Love you, Vinny,” Your voice was thick with sleep and both of you were aware that you wouldn’t be awake for much longer. The hour was late, your energy levels were about as depleted as you could handle, and even Vincent was feeling a bone deep weariness to match the time of night.
Vincent didn’t verbally answer you. He only nuzzled into your hold, your fingers sinking deeper into his hair, and you did your best to get even closer to him. You were constantly seeking contact with one another; touch-starved and love-starved. The way he pressed himself into you told you that he loved you too, and you allowed him to maneuver you any way he wanted to, stilling in your movements so that you didn’t accidentally yank at his hair, though you kept your fingers where they were. You ended up crushed into his side, his face burrowed in the warm crook of your neck, his legs tangled up in your own, and his arms wrapped around you securely. Vincent’s embrace was the safest cage you had ever known, though you could only hope he never offered you the key. 
You wouldn’t survive taking it.
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